Two Little Friends

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Harry breathed in the sooty air of Diagon Alley with relief. He was smart enough to know, after so many lives, not to go there any younger than eleven. But it was always so nice to get back to it. Although it was dusty and everyone was in a rush, it felt of magic. There was often glitter in the air from young Hogwarts students who had enchanted their robes to sparkle, and it was never too noisy thanks to some protective charms, and the whole place seemed almost too mundane to be holding so many wonders.

Harry knew his shopping list by heart. He wasted no time wandering around the alley looking for things. Hagrid was rather surprised at how fast Harry was able to procure things. He always was. Harry liked shopping with Hagrid. Hagrid had gotten him Hedwig, and Hedwigs 2 through 18 as well, and had helped him through so much in his first life. So it was Harry's delight to help Hagrid with his shopping afterwards. Hagrid's shopping list took them into one of Harry's favorite places in wizarding England.

Nocturn Alley was very different from Diagon Alley. While Diagon was bright, dusty, and full of fascinating displays, Nocturn was dingy, and smelled of rotting flesh, and was almost in the shape of a coffin. Come to think of it, Nocturn Alley was a lot like Snape's classroom.

"Now, listen Harry." Hagrid told the immortal as they entered, "don't you come here alone. Ever. Don't look anyone in the eye, don't talk to anyone, don't ever come here again. Dumbledore wouldn't be happy at me taking you here."

Ah yes, Hagrid's prepared speech about how he really shouldn't be taking Harry into Nocturn Alley. Classic.

"You're Ronald Weasley!" Harry screamed as he barged into his best friend's compartment.

Ron, quite understandably, was shocked.

"I'm your biggest fan. Isn't that right, snooky-poo?" Harry kissed Voodoo Voldemort's little head.

Ron, rather sensibly, was dumbfounded.

"Is it true you once won chess against a sphinx? Who am I kidding, of course it's true! You're the best chess player in the whole world."

Ron, without hesitation, began crying. When he collected himself, he finally began to talk.

"Yeah, I'm Ronald. Just call me Ron though, everyone does. Sorry I started crying... I've just never been called the best before."

Harry grinned and patted Ron's hair.

"How'd you even know who I am though?"

Harry smiled. "I know everything." He brushed back his long black bangs to show off the scar, which was redder and angrier than ever.

Ron immediately knew who he was dealing with. "You're Harry Potter!" He paused. "Right?"

Harry sighed. "Unfortunately, my dear love's attempts to start a new trend didn't really catch on..."

Ronald passed out.

"Have either of you seen a toad? Neville's lost his." Hermione, who had never quite gotten the hang of knocking, asked before stepping in. She probably wouldn't have entered if it hadn't been for the massive amount of candy scattered on the floor. But she did enter to get a better look, and to scold them with "I hope you're not planning on eating all that!"

"Oh my dear Hermione..." Harry cooed, "you still have so much to learn. It's magical candy, our teeth will be fine."

"How do you know who I am? Is there a spell?" Hermione was clearly on edge, but her thirst for knowledge overpowered her wariness.

Harry would have been happy to answer, but Ronald beat him to it.
"I think the killing curse left him a little wonky in the head."

At Harry's pouting face, Ronald shoved himself further into the corner and crammed another chocolate frog into his mouth.

"You're Harry Potter!" Said Hermione excitedly.

"I don't know how you got that." Harry said with a sniff.

"You're not Harry Potter..?"

"I didn't say that! I just said I didn't know how you came to the conclusion that I was." Harry was quick to explain. For all her academic excellence, Hermione was certainly slow on the up-take.

"Are you Harry Potter or are you not?" Hermione demanded.

"I am. He's Ronald 'just call me Ron' Weasley."

"I'm going to go find Neville's toad." Declared Hermione. And with that she stormed out.

Harry took little Voldy back out and began to talk to him about how sad it was that no one recognized his handy work.

The sorting hat was, per usual, thrilled to see him. It sent him away as soon as he said which house he wanted to be in.

This time, it was Gryffindor. Harry knew, after doing all this so many times, that the only way to keep the friends he had made in his first life was to be in Gryffindor. Now, Harry didn't need them nearly as much as he had back then. He was over a thousand years old, goodness! But the last eleven years proved to be lonely, just as they always were. Ron and Hermione would always hold a special place in his heart.

No, Harry didn't need them. But he wanted them.

"Isn't that right, Sewer Breath? We love our friends!" Harry smiled brightly to Voodoo Voldemort and looked up at the other Gryffindors. They looked uncomfortable.

"I'm not sure I want to be your friend if you treat them like you treat him." Ron said.

"Don't be silly Ronny. Voldemort" -flinches- "is my special friend."

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