pt.9 flirting

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The next day Rose woke up smiling, did she have a maths test today? Yes, yes she did.

But she got to sit with Tommy in maths.

Tommy woke up the same way, he couldn't stop thinking about her, and he couldn't talk to Wilbur about it because it was his little sister. That would be weird right?

So he decided to message philza Minecraft, he has a wife so he should be able to help him with whatever was going on in his head.




I need help

Why are you talking
To me about it you
Usually talk to Will

Yeah so about that...

Tommy what did
You do

Well I didn't do
Anything actually

Well then text Will
Like you usually do

I can't

Why not

Because it's about
His sister

What about his sister

Oh right, you don't

Don't know what

Rose is Wilburs sister
They just don't tell
People about it only
Me and Niki know

Oh, didn't expect that

Me neither

Okay so what about
Rose then

I can't stop thinking
About her and I don't
Know what's wrong
With me

Yesterday this guy
Wouldn't stop looking
At her and it made me
So mad so I held her hand
So that he would stop
And I can't stop thinking
About it

You like her

I don't like people

You like her

How do you know

Its obvious

What am I supposed
To do about it

Do you want to
Date her?

Yeah I do

Then give it about
A week of two then
ask her out

Okay thanks Phil

No problem mate


Tommy <3

Heyy Tom

Hey Ro

wilburs sister (tommyinnit × oc)Where stories live. Discover now