pt.11 traitor

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"So Ro, what's your opinion on the lore so far?" - Tommy

"I'm really exited about my first lore stream if I'm being honest" - Rose

"Oh yeah, does chat know about it?" - Tommy

"Not much about it but my first part of the lore will be tomorrow at 7pm BST" - Rose

"You heard that guys, anyway I'm gonna head off, I've got some lore to do of my own. Bye Ro" - Tommy

"Okay, bye Tom" - Rose

Rose had a meeting tomorrow, with her best friends enemy.


She had to visit dream. The egg was getting too powerful, not even techno could do anything about it, or foolish and foolish is a literal god. The only one who can do something about this is dream.

But for that, she knew they would need to make a deal.

"Okay chat. It's been an hour or so, I'm gonna head off. Geez I sound like tommy. Anyway, I'm gonna go now. My first part of the lore will be tomorrow 7pm BST, be there. Or watch the vod. Vod should be on my vods channel by 1am BST." - Rose

"Thanks for tuning in, this is Phoenixx signing off" - Rose

And she ended the live.

The next day she did her usual stuff, woke up and went to collage. She had a test in English which she aced of course.

She got home and ran to wilburs Room.

"Hey, you ready for my first lore stream" - Rose

"Yup" - Wilbur

Will had to be a part of the lore too.

When she hit Go Live she put a text on the screen.

' For this lore stream, donations will be turned off and as will the sub goal and such. I will be in character the whole time. Thank you, I hope you enjoy '

She thought it would be best to turn off the donations and text to speech and take out the sub goal for her future lore streams, just so she can stay in character.

She was also going to get right into lore, with no intro.


She spawned in her house, as if she had just woke up.


"I can't believe I'm doing this."

She got her aumor on and her weapons. As well as an ender chest.

She walked from her house over to the prison. And was greeted by Sam.

"Rose? What are you doing here?" - Sam

"I came to visit the prisoner" - Rose

"He isn't having any visitors" - Sam

"Yes he is" - Rose

"No he isn't" - Sam

"Your going to let me in this prison or I'm going to kill you with my bare hands" - Rose

"And why should I believe you?" - Sam

"Dont make me get violent Sam. I've got you all figured out, you see? You hide behind the walls of your prison, avoiding fights and such. But guess what, this time I brought the fight to you. If you don't want one less cannon life then I suggest you let me in" - Rose

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