pt.25 are you dating

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[Time skip to 7:30]

Rose and Tommy went live, on Tommys alt.

They were doing a Q&A stream with text to speech for donations.

What did you guys do today?

"Oh that's a good question, we went to the beach today since it was like 30°c. Which if your in America, that's really hot" - Rose

"Yeah, we also went to the arcade and we got candy floss and sweets. It was really fun" - Tommy

Is this really the last day for the Americans to be there

"Yes sadly, though ranboo is staying a bit longer I believe. Also Ranboo will be live later by the way chat" - Rose

Are you two dating

"Uh...." - Rose

"Yes we are, you hear that chat! I GOT MYSELF A WOMAN" - Tom

"TOM!" - Rose

"Next question" - Tom

Did I miss a chapter? I thought she was a lesbian

"No I'm not a lesbian, I'm not straight though" - Rose

Sexuality reveal

"I'm pansexual, if you don't know what that means it means I like all gender identities equally. I don't have a preference, like I don't care what you identify as, it doesn't matter to me" - Rose

"I dont know if that was for me aswel but, I'm straight" - Tom

What are your guys pronouns?

"Mine are he/him" - Tom

"I prefer she/her but I also don't mind if you use they/them" - Rose

Tommy what about the queen

"She'll be ok without me" - Tom

[ Time skip to a week before Christmas ]

"I can't believe it's Christmas soon" - Rose

"Me either" - Will

Rose and Will were sat on their couch watching home alone.

It was about 8pm, and just a week till Christmas. Ranboo was still staying at Tubbos house but the rest of the Americans were back in America.

"I think we should fly the Americans out to England again. But this time only for the Christmas holidays" - rose

"That might not be possible, they might want to see their families" - Will

"As if" - Rose

"I'll make some calls and see who can come over" - Will

"Yesss, thank you Will! I love you soooo much! YOUR THE BEST BROTHER EVER!!" - Rose

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