Chapter 2

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"Kai? Miles?"

Axel eyes them with disbelief. They're here, right in front of him. He knew he would meet them sooner or later but this-he doesn't think he's ready to face his worst heartbreak as well as the people he still loves yet. He knows He's not ready to meet them yet. But they're here now and he knows he has to deal with it. Just looking at them brought tears in his eyes. It's been so long since he talked to the either of them. After he moved, he stopped picking their calls and blocked their numbers and after Victor's death, he changed his phone number. He lived another life, blocking all his past memories, and cutting contact with everyone from his past, He was just not himself. He didn't know what to tell them, after all these years and looks like they didn't either.

Nobody talked for what seemed like hours, they just stared at each other. Axel could see confusion, surprise, disbelief, concern and was it guilt? in their expression. He wondered why? (note the sarcasm). But after all this he knew he loved them. He knew he would forgive them in no time. He knew he would trust them all over again. And he hoped that wouldn't break his heart all over again.

But, were they ready to take him in again?

He still had some hope left. A tiny piece buried somewhere deep inside his heart still believes that they will forget what happened 7 years ago and will take him in. That they will show him love and care after what happened all those years ago. That they will all be together in a happily ever after world.

He came out of his trance and slowly reached for their stuff before billing them. The silence was broken because of the billing machine but beside that no one talked. But this time Axel saw how much they changed in the past seven years.

They looked just how they had when they all were still going to high school, just a lot mature. Miles still looked bulky and fit, a dominant aura radiating of him. His 6'3 height (but he probably grew taller), the midnight black hair, piercing blue eyes and an extremely tanned skin.

Kai's appearance didn't change much either. His thin frame, blond long hair that reached just above his shoulder, the shortest amongst the three of them, soft hazel eyes with a bright sparkle and pink cheeks.

Oh god how much Axel missed the both of them.

He returned their bill and stuff when Miles paid and even after neither anyone moved nor that talked. They were back staring at each other again but now they seemed to actually start believing that Axel is finally here.

Their little staring contest (again) ended when someone entered Walmart and immediately squealed before throwing themselves on Axel. Axel came out of his reverie and immediately broke their hug and looked at the tiny overjoyed girl beside him.

"Thank all the lords, Axel you're still here. I'm so sorry I was late but something came up and I had to stop in between. I'm sorry." She didn't sound sorry at all but Axel just nodded in return. That was when she noticed Kai and Miles because she let out another high-pitched scream before jumping on top of both of them as well.

"Oh, my it's been so long since I've seen both of you." She stood before them and smiled brightly before she noticed them looking at Axel. "Ya right, this is Axel, he recently started working here and Axel, these idiots here are Miles and Kai, they are regular customers here and my best friends." March said pointing at them before nodding at Axel. No one said anything and once again, March let out a loud scream. They were lucky not a lot of people were in Walmart otherwise they would have gotten many pointed stares.

March screamed again as she pointed at Kai's then Miles's hand. This was when Axel noticed their hands and all hell broke loose. "You guys got engaged. Seriously you got engaged and you didn't bother telling me?" March squealed and wrapped both of them in a hug again. Amongst all this commotion, Axel didn't register March's words as tears struck his eyes. "I'll go change" was the only thing he muttered before leaving but nobody seemed to notice him.

"Miles proposed to me just a coupl-" Kai's nervous words were cut short as Axel closed the door behind him. He leaned back to the wall as he slid down and buried his head in the hands. Of course, they were engaged. They were together for like over seven years. He was so stupid to think that he had a chance. That they would finally accept him into their relationship but how dumb can he be. Obviously, they wouldn't. They are engaged for god's sake and they're probably even getting married soon. "How can I be so stupid" Axel thought but he couldn't stop the tears. These emotions were stuck in him for so long, this is the breaking point. He couldn't just hold it back anymore. Tears continued to flow as he sat there thinking about all his regrets and decisions he took in his life. His life was just so messed up he wanted to know what he did to deserve all this. He wanted to be happy for once in his entire goddamned life.

He waited for some more time before changing and collecting himself and then walked out of the changing room. Both Kai and Miles looked at him and he could see various emotions in their eyes. Guilt, concern, sorrow all these emotions filled their eyes(again) but he pretended not to notice and made his way back to the counter. He forcefully smiled at March before making his way to the exit.


Tears and Smiles (Original version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang