Chapter 6

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"we're getting married on November 8th"

Axel didn't know how to reply. They're getting married on November 8th, that's like in less than two months? He just hopes he will be able to move out of their house by then so that he doesn't have to see them getting married to each other. Just that if he moves out by then, he can give some excuse for not attending their wedding and skip it or something. He doesn't think that will be possible if he's still staying at their house.

"Oh! But I thought you said that Miles proposed to you like a couple of weeks ago?" He asked.

"Yes, but umm... we felt that the earlier the wedding, the better it is. So we decided to get married as soon as possible." Kai replied and looked at the time before getting up. "I need to go to work now, I closed up all morning because I wanted to be here but...." He trailed off and looked at Axel apologetically. Axel immediately understood and shook his head before getting up as well. I need to head out to work too but I wanted to ask so number so that I can ...uh, call you in an e-e-emergency." He felt dumb for stuttering in the end but hey, he actually wanted his number for emergencies.

"Sure. I'll also give Miles's number to you so that you can call him if I didn't pick up. And the spare key is there in the flower pot outside. If you're here early, you don't have to wait for one of me or Miles. Oh, and do you want a ride? I'll drop you." Kai said all of this without taking a breath in between so he was panting by the end. "No, I'll manage but thanks" Axel was quick to refuse but Kai didn't seem to be convinced.

"You're going with me and that final." Kai declared and led Axel out of their house. They sat in silence again once they started driving, so Axel decided to break it. "You guys got more demanding since I've last seen you" He joked. But it looked like Kai took it seriously because his expression suddenly changed. "Wait. I'm not forcing you to do any of this. I'm sorry if you felt that way, I-" Axel mentally sighed and cut Kai in between. "I was just kidding, relax."

Kai let out a breath and nodded. "I tend to get a little over reactive sometimes. Forgive me." Kai reasoned and turned to look at Axel for a split second before diverting his gaze back on the road. "I know. I was your best friend remember?" Axel told and smiled softly at Kai. Kai just nodded and they sat in silence until Kai stopped the car in front of Walmart. "See you for dinner" was the only thing Axel said before getting down and heading inside Walmart.


(Once Axel's shift got over)

Axel slowly walked home feeling exhausted. There were a lot of people that day but he can never be more thankful to March. She started early because she felt guilty was late the previous day so Axel could go hom- no, so that he could go to their house early. By their house, he meant Kai's and Miles's house. He didn't even talk to Miles properly so he had to wait for that. Since Walmart was comparatively near and he knew the route, he didn't bother asking Kai for a ride.

Once he stood inside in front of the door, he knocked and ringed the bell but it didn't look like anyone was there. He waited for some time before he decided to call Kai. It ringed for a while before he picked up.

"Hey Axel, what's up?" Kai spoke as soon as he picked up the call. He saved my number? Thought Axel before deciding to ask Kai about the original reason he called.

"I...uh...are you not home yet?" He asked, unsure of using the word 'home'.

"not yet, I'll be a bit late today. So will Miles. You can take the spare key and go inside. It's not time for supper yet but if you're hungry, food is in the fridge. Oh, and I'll have to go, I'm really sorry. I'll talk to you later ok? Bye!!" And he hung up there.

Axel shook his head and opened the door with the spare key and entered the house. He changed in his room before coming downstairs to the living room. He was not feeling that hungry so he just sat in the living and switched the TV on and before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

Kai and Miles decided to go home together after work so they started driving back together. "It's been so long since we've seen him but he looks so different. A difference I've not expected." Said Kai once they settled down. He indeed was concerned about Axel because he looked so tired and broken, his eyes, they carried such a strength seven years ago but now they looked defeated.

"I've noticed too and I have a bad feeling about it." Miles said and glanced at Kai. "Do you think we caused it?" Kai asked and Miles didn't have an answer for it. "I don't know about that Kai, but we need to do something to make him happy. I was his boyfriend and just because I broke up with him doesn't mean he is a stranger to me. Seeing him like this, it hurts me as much as it hurts you." Kai nodded. After Axel disappeared, Miles explained everything to Kai. He told him that both Axel and himself liked him and they thought to join him in their relationship but because Kai and Miles were already together, Miles broke up with Axel. Miles told that Axel really liked him but he loved Kai more so he decided to break up with him.

Kai couldn't really do anything about this then because by the time he knew the whole thing, Axel already left. He wanted to apologise and Miles wanted to too, but they couldn't find him until now and now, is too late.

Their conversation ended there, and the following silence, was not uncomfortable at all. It was just that both of them were too busy thinking about recent events that they didn't find the need to talk. Both of them knew very well what the other one was thinking so words didn't have to be exchanged in between them.

"Don't go too hard on yourself about this baby. It's not your fault. We were all teenagers who acted on impulse rather than thinking properly about this. It's both of our faults so don't blame yourself." Kai said very well knowing what Miles was thinking. Miles's eyes didn't leave the road and there was no expression on his face so Kai slowly placed his hand over Miles's and they both stayed like that until they reached.


Kai unlocked the door and they entered inside. It was dead quiet as if the house was empty. They walked into the living room and saw Axel sleeping soundly on the couch. Some documentary about a snake was playing on the TV but no one seemed to notice that because Kai and Miles were busy staring at the sleeping Axel. He looked so peaceful, like all the worries in the world just didn't bother him anymore and he seemed so happy and content.

"Should we wake him up?"" Kai asked softly and looked at Miles. This appeared to break Miles's staring and he turned to look at Kai with a confused expression. Kai internally sighed and repeated his question, "should we wake him up? I mean, it's time for dinner but he looks so peaceful that I would just let him sleep forever if he will look so calm."

"We'll just wake him up after I complete cooking dinner. It's not good for him to sleep on the couch anyhow." Miles clarified and went to change before he can start cooking. Kai stayed by and looked at Axel for some more time and then left to change. He didn't know how they will work this thing out but he was pretty sure, he will help Axel get out of whatever's going on.

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