Chapter 13

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"Now, about Axel's confession...."

Miles sighed and sat up before pulling Kai onto his lap so that Kai's head rested on his chest. "I don't know.... it was so sudden but I honestly don't know what to do. I'm so confused now." Kai closed his eyes and got comfortable in Miles's lap before replying, "Earlier, when you said you regret breaking up with Axel, was it because you pitied him or... uhm... because you still like him?"

Miles froze after hearing Kai's question. Did he like Axel? Or did he actually pity him? Miles ruffled his hair and looked at Kai with an unreadable feeling. "I don't know" was the only thing he whispered, it was so soft that if Kai wouldn't have been attentively listening, he would've never heard it.

But Kai was not really surprised after listening to Miles's reply. He was also confused. He was supposed to be mad because he just saw his fiancé kissing his best friend... but because of some goddamned reason, he wanted to do it too. He wanted to kiss Axel and Miles, to hold them and be held by them. Was it wrong? He doesn't know. He was as clueless as Miles but he can't help it. He was confused.

Judging by the look on Miles's face, it looked like he was scared. He was scared that Kai got angry because of his answer. He was scared that he's going to lose Kai too. And Kai, being well, Kai, understood what Miles was thinking and pressed his lips to his cheek.

"Don't worry honey. I'm confused too. For some reason, I didn't get mad when you kissed him. I actually wanted to do the same. I was just really surprised and confused, that's why I reacted like that." Miles forced a tight smile and nodded before closing his eyes and sighing loudly.

"So, what will we do? Does it mean that the both of us have feelings for him? Should we tell him about it? Or should we stay quiet? I don't understand anything."

So many unanswered questions, no one knows how to acquire answers.


(20th October 2026)

The past two days were one of the worst days in Kai's and Miles's lives. There was so much tension in the house, Miles and Kai decided to not even discuss anything in the house. Not that there was anything to discuss in the first place. They were still trying to figure out their feelings for Axel but during these hard times, they had each other. They were together, they leaned on each other to seek comfort. They trusted each other.

Miles also didn't want Axel to leave. Neither did Kai. They were sure that Axel was considering to leave, to probably move out and get an apartment but they're positive that he wouldn't do that until he gets a proper job. And they were pretty certain he had no job other than Walmart. Little did they know, that wouldn't be the same in a couple of days.

They purposely left early in the morning, hoping that they can forget about all this for some time and work and they made sure to come back home early as well so they didn't have to face Axel.

But they missed Axel so much. The way they all used to discuss stuff during dinner, stay up late and watch movies, tease Axel until he's embarrassed, they missed him. Not only that, during the days everything was normal, when Axel, Kai and Miles were happily spending time together, Kai realized something. He realized that Axel belongs with them. He realized that they cannot live without Axel and it looked like Axel can't either. He smiled remembering the time they all had fun together and he wants it back.

It's been a long day and Miles and Kai made sure to go home and have supper early. As soon as they finished eating, they left to their room and locked the door.

They were currently not that tired because it was really early and they had no other work to do so they just decided that they'll cuddle for some time.

"Did you figure anything out? You know about this whole Axel thing" Oh yah! And one more thing, they didn't discuss anything about Axel in the past two days. Also, Miles tried to sound really casual when he asked this, probably too casual but they both knew it was serious which, it was. "I'm not sure. I want to fix this. I want to see Axel happy and contended again. I want to make things better, to not hurt anymore. I want to turn this place into our own little utopia. I want us, the three of us, you, me and Axel to live together forever, without hurting anybody and without hurting ourselves. I want to experience the euphoric feeling, the one that is currently incomplete." After listening to Kai's words and realizing that he felt the same way Kai did, Miles was sure of one thing,

"I think we're falling in love with Axel."

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