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As Jarim and the King returned to the interior of the palace, hearts content at having grown closer with each other, the Queen rushed out to greet them, pulling her daughter-in-law's hand.

"Jarim-ah!" Gowoon beamed. "Now, as the future Queen of South Korea, it's important that you learn specific things so that you can aid Hyunjin when he rules as King,"

A puzzled expression made its way onto Jarim's face. "What things?"

"Like the names and values of dignitaries who hold great importance to the country as well as things like how to walk amongst the people, what sort of foundations we are a part of," Gowoon responded as she and her daughter-in-law made their way into the library.

Jarim's eyes enlarged as she took in the immense chamber, filled to the brim with scrolls dating back from the Goryeo Dynasty to the present day. There were non-fiction and fiction, and overhead hung three devestatingly beautiful chandeliers.

"About studying," Jarim dragged her orbs away from the beauty of the new room she had been introduced to. "What about my engineering course at university? You see, it had been a dream of mine to complete my course at Seoul National University..."

"Taeho-ah and I discussed that, Jarim-ah," The Queen picked up a few lightweight books from a shelf. "And not to worry, we have a teacher ready for you so that you can complete your course here. Is that alright?"

"Yes, of course,"

"Excellent, now," Gowoon stacked the books together and placed them upon Jarim's head. "Walk and do not let a single book fall off your head?"

Jarim gaped at the task. "Mother, with all due respect, we're not in 'Barbie: Princess Charm School',"

Gowoon chuckled. "I know, dear, but trust me, this will have you walking properly in no time. Now, walk,"

Obeying her mother-in-law's orders, Jarim began to take precautious steps away from Gowoon, careful so as to not let one of the books fall.

As she neared one of the other bookshelves, Jarim felt something slide off and the student groaned.

"It's alright," The Queen picked up the hardback. "It's irritating at the beginning, but you'll see why this is important. Place your chin up, like this, keep your back straight and your arms at your sides. Now, try again,"

It took Jarim at least eight attempts until she could walk perfectly without any of the books slipping off her head. 

She'd done it!

Over the course of four hours, Gowoon taught her daughter-in-law how to walk properly, how to walk in different sizes of heels, the cutlery etiquette when it came to eating 12-course meals as well as small tricks when it came to the media.

Jarim had found the experience enlightening but also excrutiatingly painful, particularly when the Queen had presented her with stiletto heels.


"Where's Jarim?" Chan glanced around the coridoor as he Changbin and Hyunjin wandered around the hallways, the Prince feeling rather bored.

"She was with Dad a few hours ago to look at his cars, then Mum dragged her into the library," Hyunjin shrugged. "I don't know where she is now,"

"Then go find her, you idiot," Changbin shook his head at the younger boy, who looked mildly offended. "She's your wife for God's sake, you should be taking care of her!"

"How am I supposed to take care of her if I can't find her?"

"Go to the library and see if she's in there," Chan lightly pushed the blond towards the direction of where his wife was last seen. "We'll look around the West Wing,"

The two bodyguards left, small smiles on their faces, however, they were oblivious to the incoherent muttering that Hyunjin carried as he left to find Jarim.


"Jarim, are you- "

Hyunjin's voice trailed off as his gaze settled upon his wife, seated at the back of the library, a numerous amount of novels and hardbacks stacked up on her table. It appeared that she hadn't heard him, too focused upon the pages that she was reading.

Hyunjin blinked.

It was the first time he had seen her look so eased since arriving to the palace. Her dark hair had been tied back with a band, although a few stray locks framed her face. Her eyes dragged over each and every word, savouring the plot of the book she was reading. Hyunjin noticed how her feet tapped the floor, and the change of expression when she read something she liked. He observed the pout of her lips, the curve of her nose and her long lashes.

The Prince cleared his throat, snapping out of his trance.

"It's nearly dinner," The blond approached the girl who glanced up, offering a smile. "How long have you been in here since Mum left?"

"Four hours," Jarim said softly, her eyes still on the pages of her book. "You have some really good books in here,"

"The collection grows," Hyunjin lifted the book so as to see the title. "You like romances?"

"It's cliché, I know," Jarim answered. "But let's be real, a good romance is something we all need,"

"I wouldn't know that, I haven't been here in ages," Hyunjin glanced around the chamber, eyes scanning the books that were dusted once every week.

"Then, what do you do in your spare time?" Jarim asked with interest.

"I practice taekwondo with Felix," The Prince sat opposite his wife, his tone still cold. "And I spar with some of the other boys, too. I sometimes race,"

"With the Porsche 911?" Jarim questioned, eyes bright at the mention of her husband's favourite car. "Your car?"

Hyunjin snorted. "I don't use that car for racing. I have other ones I use, but they don't stay in the palace. They're at our private tracks,"


"Hyunjin! Have you found your wife?" Changbin's loud voice finished their conversation as the two older boys came into view, heads dipping at the sight of Jarim.

"Please don't," Jarim waved her hands frantically. "And just call me 'Jarim',"

"I don't think we've actually ever met," Chan grinned. "Bang Chan,"

"Seo Changbin," The stocky boy smirked. "We're your husband's bodyguards and best friends,"

"And your brother's," Chan beamed. "Speaking of which, how's he doing?"

"He's good, says he misses me though, and that he's going to come round soon," Jarim smiled softly.

"The maknae's fiercely protective of you," Changbin smirked. "He wasn't particularly fond of letting Hyunjin marry you,"

"Which reminds me," Chan lowered his voice. "We know about your Marriage Contract, and so do the other boys,"

"I-Including Jeongin?" Jarim's voice was panicky. "What did he say? Was he angry?"

"He was angry at the beginning," Changbin glanced at Hyunjin who pointedly avoided the older's gaze. "But I think he's alright now,"

"Besides," Chan smirked. "You have your Italy honeymoon to make up the time,"

At the mention of the honeymoon, both Hyunjin and Jarim blushed, pink dusting their cheeks. 

"Also, Jisung is insistant that he comes as well,"

"To Italy?"

"Says he can pick up some 'hot Italian chicks',"

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