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The attendants exchanged fond smiles as Yang Jarim practically skipped  joyfully along the hallway, humming the tune to a song that had just been released.

Her mind was at ease, she was happy.

Truly happy.

Ever since her and Hyunjin had shared a passionate kiss a few nights before, things had changed dramatically.

Well, not dramatically, just the fact that things were - different.

The King and Queen were still occupied with their royal positions considering they had only been recently crowned, but when they managed to see each other during the day, Jarim was normally enveloped into a warm hug, with the occassional kisses.

So as Jarim stopped in front of Hyunjin's office and rapped on the door, the door opened within seconds of her knocking, and she was dragged in, the entrance shutting just as quickly.

Almost immediately, Hyunjin pulled her into an embrace, his chin resting on her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him, his form engulfing her much smaller frame.

"I missed you," He mumbled into her hair.

Jarim chuckled. "We saw each other this morning," She reminded.

"That was breakfast and then we both went our separate ways," The King sulked. "Why are we always so busy?"

"Oh I don't know," Jarim muttered, sarcasm dripping in her tone. "Maybe because we're the rulers of the country?"


"You know it's true,"

Hyunjin simply hummed, before letting go of his wife and he took a seat on the leather chair, patting his lap. "Sit,"

A small hue of pink rose up to her cheeks, nevertheless, Jarim tentatively lowered herself onto Hyunjin's lap, and his arms held her waist, supporting his chin on her shoulders, as he eyed the numerous papers that he was to look over.

"Did you get the- " He began before he was cut off.

"Papers about the National Assembly?" She asked, the boy nodding his head. "Yeah, finished them too. I would rather do engineering homework than those,"

Hyunjin snorted. "After careful consideration," He muttered. "I have decided to conclude that I'd rather do maths than I would complete papers on taxes and transportation bills,"

Jarim hummed softly to herself. 

"Are we doing anything tomorrow?" She asked to Hyunjin, who glanced at the schedule sheet on his desk.


"Then... c-can we go on a date?"

"A date?"

"Yeah, the closest date we had was when we went out to that park and had tteokbokki for dinner,"

Hyunjin was silent for a few minutes before smiling softly into Jarim's dark locks. "I'll organise our date for tomorrow, sound good?"

"I can't wait!"


Hyunjin had started off the date right in the morning. Using one of the many spare rooms in the palace, he had built a pillow fort (with the boys' help of course) and set up a mini home theatre.

Jarim had squealed with excitement once she had seen and had automatically thrown herself onto the blond, hugging him as tight as she possibly could, thanking him over and over again.

The two had then watched multiple movies, starting with Disney, moving to Marvel before they watched whatever they wanted. All the while, they had been cuddling, content in each others arms.

A few hours later, Hyunjin had told the girl to get dressed in something casual for the second part of their date, and slightly confused, she had followed.

They were now driving along the road, watching the landscape go past, and Jarim was bursting with curiosity as to where they were possibly going.

"Hyunjin-ie!" She whined softly. "Can you please tell me?"

"Just wait and see," The blond smirked. "Oh look, we're here,"

The King pulled up and the two exited the car, staring at the large sign in front of them reading 'Lotte World Adventure'.

"No way," Jarim whispered in shock. "You didn't,"

"I did," Hyunjin confirmed.

"You rented out the entire of Lotte World?"

Hyunjin simply pressed a kiss on Jarim's lips.

"How's that for our first date, love?"

"Hwang Hyunjin, you are another level. I love it. Thank you so much!" She added, reaching on her tip-toes to press a swift kiss on his cheeks.

"It's just the two of us until 11PM,"

"Then, let's have the time of our lives,"


'crown' is nearly coming to a close :(

take care and stay safe


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