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"Your Highness, this is your lowest score yet. 64 out of 100," Miss Oh frowned at the piece of paper that she held, the red markings on the test making Jarim sigh.

"Please just call me 'Jarim'," The student mumbled. "And, is it really my lowest score?"

With a gentle smile, the teacher slid into the seat opposite the younger girl.

"You always do really well in your tests," Miss Oh commented. "But, why do I feel like you've had something on your mind for the past week?"

Jarim slumped back in her seat, looking utterly defeated. 

"I- " She hung her head. "You're right, I haven't been focused this week,"

Miss Oh crossed her legs, leaning forward, her eyes showing curiosity. "May I ask what?"

At Jarim's hesitance to say what exactly was bothering her, the teacher waved a dismissve hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked,"

"No," Jarim smiled softly. "It's just - Miss Oh, what would you do if you wanted to protect the person you loved so badly from someone bad, but they wouldn't listen to your words?"

For a while, Miss Oh was quiet, carefully regarding her student's words. Yang Jarim was a delight to teach, and the teacher wanted the best for the girl.

"If it was me," Miss Oh began, choosing her sentence cautiously. "I would let fate play out on its own,"

Jarim tilted her head. "What do you - "

"I mean," The teacher smiled. "I would watch and observe, and if it turns out that I was right, then it's practically confirmed that the person I care for would come running back to me, saying that I was right, isn't it?"

Jarim's eyes showed amusement. "Isn't that slightly narcissistic?"

"Possibly," The teacher let out a knowing grin. "If this is about Prince Hyunjin, then I would be a little careful, Jarim,"

"The Prince knows how to play," Miss Oh watched as Jarim doodled a small crown on the corner of her test.

"Not if I can checkmate him first,"


"You want to what?" Jeongin's eyes widened at his sister's statement, and he wasn't the only one.

The oldest three looked as though they had seen a ghost, Jisung and Felix's jaws had dropped, and Seungmin held a hand to his heart.

"I want to meet Bae Jiwoo," Jarim's expression was rather innocent as she conveyed her wish. "I want to talk to her,"

"And risk possibly getting hurt?" Minho retorted. "No way, Jarim,"

"What is she going to do?" The girl questioned. "It's not like she'll kidnap me or something,"

"She's a master manipulator, Jarim," Felix attempted. "Talking to her is like talking to a snake,"

"She's like Lila from 'Miraculous Ladybug'!" Jisung nodded, furiously. "She acts so glamorous on the outside, but she's really a witch!"

Jarim crossed her arms. "I'm going to meet Bae Jiwoo. Whether you like it, or not," She added, defiantly.

Chan exhaled. "Then, one of us is coming with you. We have to, anyway,"

"Then, I'll ask to set up a meeting with her," Jarim's gaze settled upon the view of Hyunjin, who was admiring a rose in the garden.

If he wasn't willing to tell her about his past, then she would find it out herself.


"Where's Jarim?" The Prince questioned as he walked the hallways alongside Seungmin and Minho.

The two boys exchanged glances, although neither of their expressions looked shaken at the question.

"She's... gone to meet with a minister," Minho replied and the three boys came to a halt in front of the new photo that adorned the walls.

Hyunjin and Jarim's wedding photo.

"Which minister?" Hyunjin demanded.

"Minister of Health and Welfare," Seungmin watched as Hyunjin's expression grew cold.

"Please don't tell me that she's gone to meet Jiwoo,"

"And what if she has?" Minho and Seungmin smirked, the older of the boys responding the the Prince's statement.

"Why did you tell her about Jiwoo?" Hyunjin challenged. "She has no need to- "

"She's your wife!" Seungmin's nostrils flared. "Jarim may look sweet and shy, but we all know that she will get things done when she wants to,"

"Where have they gone? Who has gone with her" Hyunjin interrogated.

"Chan hyung's gone with her," Minho glanced at his nails. "Where they've gone, I don't know,"

Hyunjin muttered some incoherent words as he stormed off from his best friends, and Seungmin picked up his phone, dialling a particular number.

"Chan hyung?" The puppy-like boy exchanged a knowing glance with Minho. "He's pissed, yeah, but have you arrived yet?"

"We're here,"

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