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Chan hung up his phone, slipping the device into his pocket before glancing towards the girl he was supposed to protect.

Jarim was admiring the trail of flowers that hung from above the doorway, into the little café that her and Jiwoo had agreed to meet in.

"Are you really sure that you want to do this?" The bodyguard tried one last time. "Once we find her, there's no going back,"

"I'm sure," The Princess nodded, firmly. "But, what about you? It's been long since you've both met, and I'm sure it didn't end prettily?"

Chan exhaled sharply. "I'll be okay, as long as you're fine and safe, then that's what matters,"

The two exchanged glances before stepping into the small shop.

It wasn't particularly busy, and there were only one or two people inside, but they were far too invested in their conversation to notice a royal in their midst. The bodyguard sent a small nod towards the shop owner, who nervously tipped his head.

"Is that her?" Jarim asked as Chan tried to follow her eyeline. 

"Yeah," The older boy swallowed down the dread that was slowly rising inside of him. "That's Bae Jiwoo,"

"Let's go,"

The pair weaved their way through the tables to the girl they had come to meet. It appeared that she had chosen a rather discreet spot to talk with the Princess, their table being near the exit door.

As Jarim and Chan took a seat opposite her, the engineering student observed her husband's ex-girlfriend.

Bae Jiwoo was very pretty, and there was no denying her beauty. The girl had dyed her hair from once a rich black to blond. Her eyes were sharp and they watched Jarim as she offered a frosty smile.

"Bae Jiwoo," The girl introduced herself before smirking. "I know who you are, of course,"

"Yang Jarim," The other replied. "And, you know Chan, of course,"

"Ah, Bang Chan," Jiwoo tilted her head as her eyes raked over the boy, who looked as intimidating as ever. "How have you and the rest of the boys been?"

"Perfectly fine," The bodyguard answered, coolly. "Without you,"

It seemed that Bae Jiwoo did not like the answer that had been provided to her as she leaned back into her seat, away from the older boy.

"How have you been, Miss Bae?" Jarim asked. "I heard that you flew back from Osaka a few days ago,"

Jiwoo hummed. "Osaka was wonderful, but I prefer being home,"

Jarim smiled, although her eyes did not reflect her pleasure. "Yes, it must be better being back in Seoul,"

"But, how has it been being my replacement?" Jiwoo smirked as she finally felt the Princess's collected expression falter. "Tell me," Jiwoo leaned forward once more. "Does Hyunjin miss me at all?"

"Her Highness is not your replacement!" Chan hissed.

"Chan," Jarim placed a tentative arm on the boy's bicep. She narrowed her eyes at the Bae girl. "You're really going in for the kill, aren't you? I thought you'd play nice for a bit,"

Jiwoo shrugged. "That was a long time ago. Now, I prefer going straight in,"

"Tell me, Your Highness," Jiwoo's eyes shone with curiosity. "Has Hyunjin ever told you that he cares for you? Has he ever whispered sweet nothings into your ear? Has he even kissed you yet?"

"That is none of your conce- "

"The public are truly engrossed with your love story," Jiwoo whispered. "But, I've seen the palace first-hand. This is just a ploy to get the crown. You're just a pawn in one of his many games,"

Jarim held her head up high as Chan watched nervously as each girl threw another retort at each other.

"Hwang Hyunjin will never love you, Yang Jarim," Jiwoo finally spat. "Not in the way he ever loved me,"


As Jarim and Chan returned to the palace, Jarim's mind was tormented.

"Hwang Hyunjin will never love you, not in the way he loved me,"

"Jarim-ah," The bodyguard said softly as they walked through the hallways . "Don't take her words to heart. She's always been like this,"

"C-Chan," The younger girl whispered and the older boy's heart ached at how vulnerable she sounded. "Do you - do you think H-Hyunjin even cares for me the way I care for him?"

As the two stopped in front of the wedding photo, both looking up at glorious day which had passed too soon. 

"I," Chan hung his head. "I don't know, Jarim-ah,"

Slowly, Jarim began to cry, tears streaming down her cheeks, and the boy carefully wrapped his arms around her petit frame, enveloping her in a warm hug.

"I-I really care for him," Jarim hiccupped. "But, he doesn't care for me at all!"

"I'm sure he does," Chan mumbled, holding the girl he cared for like an older brother closer. "He - Hyunjin just doesn't show his emotions that well,"

"But he did to her," Jarim croaked, helplessly. "In one way, Bae Jiwoo's right,"

"I'm just her replacement,"

Unknowest to Jarim and Chan, a certain Prince was listening not so far away and his heart broke.

CROWN ↠ Hwang HyunjinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora