Chapter 10: The Plunge

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Dinner that night was a formal one. Lady Smith had planned smartly, thought Marcus, as he was surrounded on both sides by gentlemen while Frances was sitting with Antony and Anne. He wished Lady Smith was setting the cap for him, it would have been so much easier.

Frances was chatting animatedly with Antony. Marcus felt angry, he wanted her to talk with him. But his anger dissipated as he noticed Frances glancing at him furtively every few minutes.

Lady Smith got up and the rest of the female attendees left with her; drinks were served for the men. When the men joined the women, Marcus found Frances surrounded by her female cousins. He couldn't help staring at her, he made no attempt to hide it too.

The next morning he got up and got ready. He fully expected to find kids waiting by the door to announce Frances' plans that day. Instead, he found a folded note from Frances pushed under his door.

'I got told off last night for playing with kids. I'm going to the pond in the garden after breakfast, don't tell anyone, especially Anne.'

After breakfast he headed to the pond without Antony.

Frances was sitting on a rock, with her dress pulled up to her knee and her foot dipped inside water. Her face was upturned bathing in the Sun.

Marcus didn't know how long he kept standing there, staring at her. She turned and saw him watching her.

Frances gave a radiant smile saying, 'Lord Marcus,' warmly. His breath caught.

Frances tapped on a spot near her and said, 'Join me.'

He removed his boots and socks, dipping his legs in water. The weather was fine, and soon he removed his coat.

It was exceedingly relaxing, with water lapping on his legs and fish nibbling his feet.

'You didn't tell anyone that I am here, did you?' enquired Frances.

'No I didn't, and why shouldn't Miss. Anne know?' asked Marcus.

'I pushed her in the pond three years back, she has been trying to get revenge ever since,' said Frances.

'Three years is a long time to hold a grudge,' said Marcus.

'No, it's not,' came Anne's voice accompanied by 'Flump!' as she pushed Frances into water.

Frances emerged from the water spluttering and gasping. She stood up, the water was not deeper than her waist. But she had landed face first into the water and was completely wet.

'You menji little turncoat,' yelled Frances. But Anne ran away laughing. Frances continued the name calls.

'She is long gone,' said Marcus, unable to keep a straight face.

'It's not funny,' she said, stomping her feet in anger, losing her balance and falling into water once again.

Marcus guffawed. 'Ho! I hate her and I hate you, it's very deep a few feet back, what if i downed!' as she said she moved back indicating.

'See thi..,' started Frances, but plummeted right into the water.

Marcus couldn't control, he clutched his stomach as he howled with laughter. But Frances didn't emerge, he saw her trying to stay afloat.

'Can't' she said and plunged into the water. She came again and gasped 'Help!,' all the while her arm flailing. Her movement propelled her farther into the lake.

Marcus jumped into the water and started swimming towards her, only one thought in his mind, 'Don't be hurt, don't be hurt.'

When he reached the spot, she was no longer floating there. He gulped a large breath and dived inside the water hoping to see an arm, a leg, anything. He only came up briefly for air. He dived again but the pond's depth was dark in spite of the clear day. He didn't want to lose her, not like this. He will find her. He came out for the third time for some air.

'Found what you were looking for?' came the unmistakable voice of Frances.

She was floating a few yards away from him. She was floating in perfect balance and she looked fine.

Marcus' first feeling was of relief, he didn't know he had a tight knot in his chest, until the feeling lifted.

'Dived in to save the fallen beauty,' she said laughing.

Marcus could feel his fury rising. He shouted 'you menji little turncoat' using Frances' words and dived towards her.

She let out a squeal and swam away from him. She was an exceptionally good swimmer, when he caught up with her, she dived into the water. She didn't have to surface as much as Marcus for air. When he came up for air, he could feel her tick him and swim away before he could catch her. 

He cornered her near the shore. Frances pushed him as she tried to escape, he pulled her along and they both tumbled into shallow water. Frances fell above Marcus.

Frances tried to stand, but he pinned both her arms behind her back and pulled her up along with him. Both were panting and laughing. Frances tried to push Marcus and escape, but he held her tight. When Frances looked up and saw Marcus, she stopped struggling, she felt something hot and needy stirring within.

Marcus was angry with Frances that she fooled him into jumping after her. But when he pulled her up, with her arms pinned behind her back, her body pressed against him, he could feel his need, grow for her. The damp clothes clung to her body revealing her curves, he couldn't control his desire. He wanted her. When she looked up at him, Marcus had to kiss her. Just like breathing, he had to kiss her.

Barely his lip touched her's, 'What the hell' came a roar.

Frances jumped and hid behind Marcus with a squeal. It was Antony, and he was seething with anger. Marcus was similarly angry, why did I bring him along, he thought spitefully.

Frances tugged at Marcus' shirt, he called out 'Will you be kind and throw my coat.'

Antony took his jacket and hurled at him. Marcus caught it and draped it around Frances. They both climbed up.

Antony thundered, 'What are you doing? What were you thinking?'

Marcus pushed Antony in the pond telling 'I wasn't.'

Antony was soaking wet as he climbed up. Frances and Marcus were laughing. The laughter was infectious. Antony couldn't help himself, he laughed too. Three of them made their way to the estate.

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