Chapter 12: Windsor Castle, London

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Marcus left for London after the wedding, Frances with her family was leaving after two days.

Marcus kept running through the moments he spent with Frances, on his way back to London. She wore a peacock blue dress and looked like a picture of beauty during the wedding. Marcus danced with her thrice, damn the gossip for all he cared.

Marcus and Prince Philip frequently meet for hunting trips in Richmond Park. Deer hunting was one of their favourite sports.

Marcus bought spiced gooseberries for the Prince, knowing the prince liked Indian food.

'This is exceptional!' remarked the Prince.

'It was introduced to me by a lovely lady,' said Marcus with a wink.

Though Marcus and Prince Philip did not have the friendship Marcus has with Antony, he and Prince were trusted confidants. Marcus didn't realise he was speaking to him about Frances for a long time until he saw the Prince grinning at him.

'I must meet this young lady, who seems to have charmed you. How about lunch in two days,' said Prince Philip.

Marcus didn't know or didn't want to know how serious he was about Frances. But found no way to decline the invitation without insulting the Prince.

Chestnut House was frantic, when a royal invitation arrived for Frances inviting her for a formal lunch. A note arrived from Marcus shortly after, informing he would escort her and would pick her up by 12 noon.

Frances didn't have any formal gown. She never attended Queen Charlotte's debutante ball held each year, as she didn't have any sponsor. It was difficult to get a proper gown in two days, so they decided to go with Amelia Smith's debutante dress.

Frances had endless instruction and rehearsals on how to talk, sit, eat and not to do anything which she normally did. Sitting with a hoop was particularly difficult, she managed to topple the chair multiple times and once whacked her mother with the hoop.

Wretched day finally arrived, Mrs. Sophia Hill wanted Frances to skip her breakfast, but Frances refused saying, 'It will not do if I faint mama.'

'You won't faint from skipping a single meal,' retorted Mrs. Sophia.

But Frances went ahead and had her food with extra helpings. When she got dressed, she felt as though her backbone would snap under all the pressure. She thought bitterly that she should have listened to mother. It was extremely uncomfortable with a bloated stomach and she had a hard time breathing.

Frances could only inhale half the air needed and that never reached her lungs, which she was sure must have been squeezed to half its size. She was forced to wear a wig and she had to control her hand hard not to scratch it.

Marcus arrived to collect Frances. Before leaving, Mrs. Sophia whispered something to Frances to which Frances replied, 'I will take care.'

Marcus was sure it was advice not to behave the way Frances usually did.

It was with some difficulty Frances got into the carriage. She tried to climb into the carriage with repeated failure as she couldn't get her foot past the hoop.

Marcus on her fifth attempt, simply carried her and deposited her inside the carriage. He bid his farewell to Mrs. Hill and climbed in after her and sat on the opposite side, there was clearly no space left from her dress.

'I look hideous, don't I?' asked Frances.

'No, you look lovely,' Marcus said, but Frances was sure he was just telling just to patronise her.

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