Chapter 20: The Bet

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Antony walked in determinedly towards Frances, planning to pull her out, damn with the gossip. However, when Antony called Frances, she seemed not to hear, she looked miserable, her hands trembling violently.

Someone was calling her and taping her hands, but Frances couldn't move. She couldn't look. The air she was breathing was thicker than usual. She had a hard time inhaling.

Then, there was a strong hand helping her up, she obeyed it. Frances walked along, it was Marcus, he was leading her out of the dining room.

Antony followed them. Antony and Marcus were talking in low voices but it was unmistakably angry. It took Frances some time to realize they were arguing.

Frances shivered as they entered the garden. Marcus removed his coat and draped it on her. Marcus and Antony exchanged a few more words and Antony departed. Marcus led Frances to a bench, he made her sit while he remained standing.

Marcus was shaking with anger, he didn't know who he was angry at. How can his mother do this to Frances? Marcus was suspicious when his mother accepted that he had proposed to Frances without a fight, but he didn't dream she would insult Frances like that. She had invited Marcus' mistresses and made sure Frances sat with them. Marcus was not proud of his actions, but bringing Frances in, it was a blow below the belt.

Marcus was not angry with his mother, he was angry with himself. He had done what Antony had warned him not to do, he had shown Frances how cruel the world is.

Marcus' reason behind pursuing Frances was not innocent, but his feelings for her were true. As he watched, Frances looked miserable and trembling, he felt embarrassed of himself. His heart ached to watch Frances like this.

God! What kind of man was he to hurt the women he loved, not being able to protect her. Marcus just realized he loved Frances, he loved her with every being of his life. But he didn't deserve her. All he had given Frances was pain.

Marcus remembered Frances' teary face as she asked about his mistress, damn! Now he had made her sit with them like she was no different.

Frances couldn't bear the silence, she murmured 'Marcus.'

He looked up, his eyes still blazing. 'Antony has gone to fetch you a carriage, you shouldn't be here' he replied without looking at her.

'I shouldn't be here' Frances repeated in a cocking voice.

'Lord Vandam' a man called Marcus turned, it was their butler.

'Yes Alfred,' he replied.

'If you got a moment sir,' Alfred asked.

Whatever Alfred wanted to say, he seemed to want to speak in private. Marcus nodded and followed Alfred a short distance away from Frances' ear shot.

'Fancy seeing you here Miss. Hill.' Frances looked up to see Lord Waymound walking towards her. Frances didn't have strength to deal with him now, so she simply ignored him.

'Things seem to be going well for you,' Lord Waymound said with a smirk.

Frances continued to ignore him.

'Tell me, How does it feel to be a -, I don't know how to say it without insulting you?' he asked.

'What do you want?' asked Frances.

'What I want! I merely sought you to congratulate. It's all thanks to me Lord Vandam is interested in you.'

'What do you want?' snapped Frances.

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