Open Your Eyes

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Your P.O.V.

You know the saying "Easier said than done"? Yeah, preach to that.

It's been weeks since Ryujin told me to confess to her. Heh, if I had known it was going to be this hard I should have denied in the first place.

And not only that, it's harder now to confess. You wanna know why? Let me tell you the happenings these past few weeks.

Wonyoung wasn't in any way, different. But the way she acted with Yujin was. It made me firmly believe that what happened in the movie theater was almost a dream, more like an accident.

She continued being sweet to me, and to be honest I'm still falling in love. Who wouldn't? But with Yujin, she's being extra sweet. During lunch, they would greet each other first of all. And, they even call each other 'baby' sometimes. It did not only made me cringe by remembering Ryujin calling me that, but it also made me sad and a bit disappointed that my claims of Wonyoung liking Yujin is becoming true.

I tried to think that maybe they had the same thing with me and Ryujin. But I don't exactly remember them calling each other that way before I introduced her to Ryujin.

Another time was when we were hanging out at the garden, I sat beside Nako since the seating arrangement ever since was Wonyoung sat beside Yujin. It was okay for me, it had to. But they would always be clingy with each other in front of me. I wasn't really supposed to complain but if I didn't have feelings for Wonyoung in the first place I would be okay. But I'm not.

Am I feeling jealous?

"Y/n-ie y/n-ie!" I was startled when Nako kept poking my cheek.

"Nako?" I asked

"Are you spacing out or staring at someone?" when she asked me that, I looked in front of me and saw Wonyoung and Yujin talking and giggling with each other. And that's when I realized I might have stared at someone accidentally while spacing out.

"I was only deep in my thoughts, sorry." I said.

"Anyways, it's club day tomorrow. Have you decided which club to go?" she asked again.

Oh shoot. It slipped off my mind.

"Speaking of clubs, why don't you join our club Y/n?" Hitomi asked me suddenly.

"Your club?" I asked and she only nodded.

"We're in the dance club." Yujin then answered for her, so I turned to them and saw them both return to eating.

"Oh. That's amazing then! I didn't know you guys were dancers." I said.

"But don't expect too much Y/n, we're still quite learning." Minju claimed, scratching her nape.

"Still, that's a talent! Well, I'm not good at dancing, so... thanks for the offer anyways." I said. Then we resumed eating.

While passing by the halls to go to our room, I saw posters at the bulletin board, different ones from each club. I was going to look into it and decide which club to go to but the bell rang and we had to go to our rooms quickly.

Later that day, as I was fixing my things in the locker, I got a notification from my phone and it was our gc.

Hey guys let's go at Minju's after school.

Minju angel🦊
Hey! I didn't say anything?!


Minju angel🦊

Wonyoung and Y/n will be on their way too.

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