hey mom, can we talk

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my mother's embrace is all i want
all i long for
two arms that tell me everything will be alright
a warmth that protects me from the cold harsh winds of the world around me

i want to hear her voice tell me it's okay
tell me that she loves me and that i'm
going to be alright
that the world is not collapsing in on me

but i'm frozen
i go to her and my mouth won't open
she will never understand

the world has instilled in me
a fear of my true self
i cannot yet tell her
that i'm not like her

when my brother was heartbroken
crying in bed over a girl
she could comfort him and hold him
tell him everything would be okay

but i cry alone
trying to be as quiet as possible
because i'm a girl
who likes a girl
and the world has told me that's not okay

i know she wouldn't care
i know she would accept me
but if i tell her, then things become real
and i'm not ready to accept reality

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