major depressive disorder

28 1 0

you whisper in my ears
these awful things
these unfounded lies
that have such a nice ring

i can't outrun them
i can't outrun you
you're in my mind
and i can't lose you

you scratch at the walls
of my skull
and you scream this
devilish shriek
and all i hear is you

they say such sweet things to me
and you tell me that they're lies
you make me pull myself
away from them
who the fuck gave you the right

who told you that you could
take away the love i have been given
that you could grab it and rip it to pieces
and tell me it was fake anyway

they love me, can't you see?
they love me
no they don't
they love me
they don't
i think they love me
you're worthless
they like me
you're just a stupid piece of shit
i am alone 

i am alone and it's all because of you
i am broken, because of you
i am gone, because of you
what have you done to me

Waste of Space Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ