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there are people who are so outwardly hopeless
a shell of who they once were
so utterly boneless
a broke and homeless entrepreneur
of all things dark and all things sad

like a pencil on a nose, they are unstable
and if you take your eyes off them for just a moment
you might find an empty bottle of pills on the table
or a razor on the bathroom floor
or a broken ceiling fan
a lifeless body behind a bedroom door

so you watch them and that is all you do 
because if they were to slip, it would be a crime
and no amount of glue can bring back their time
and you'd be the toddler who broke the vase
hiding under the bed
the primary suspect of the case
barely hanging on by a thread
trying not to slip too

you eat, breathe, and sleep their pain
trying to heal them with your powers that do not exist
and you stand in the skin lashing rain
trying so fucking hard to persist

but no matter what you do or what you say
they simply do not care
and you're the one who pays
because their pain is also yours to bear
and you give your sanity to it
and you can never get it back

and now you are broken and lifeless
drained of all you had
lobotomized and mindless
a new type of olympiad
of who will give up first

there are people who are so outwardly hopeless
a shell of who they once were
so utterly boneless
a broke and homeless entrepreneur
of all things dark and all things sad

and i will die for them, given the chance
which is why i cannot spare you

a glance

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