☞ ︎A Surprising Hour... ☜︎

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POV: Maki

After that lunch dilemma we all agreed to try and get Kokichi used to our voices waking him up, that way we don't have to rely on Shuichi, sadly I get to go first. Great, I don't want to be near him, but it's either this or let him become a maniac who will kill us all. I'm fine with the annoying Kokichi. If only he was here instead. Looking over at Kokichi, he started to drift off... that's the 20th time in the past 10 minutes! This motive is getting stronger.
"Kokichi. Wake up, you can't doze off right now, it's not good."
Did I seriously sound concerned? Ew. Even he noticed it, cause he shot right up and looked at me confused, but also exhausted. Great, he's gonna question it and even I don't know why I sounded concerned.
"W-Were you concerned... for me..?" *He yawned in the middle of trying to speak*
"No. I'm not sure why it sounded like I was either so don't ask me."
He was too tired to reply so he just nodded at me, I think I'm starting to like this Ouma, he's not annoying when he's not threatening to fall asleep. We ended up going to the game room and played some games trying to keep him awake, seemed to have work, even if he was still tired, he was able to focus on something and play the games. Maybe he's not that bad...

POV: Kokichi

I'm not sure why, but it was fun hanging out with Maki, and she didn't seem to hate me as much, even if she got upset when I almost fell asleep, I got used to her waking me up so I just let it happen at that point. I wanna do this again..? It was fun.. weird. Never thought I'd have fun with Maki.

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