☞ ︎A new friendship grows? ☜︎

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POV: No one

Kaito and Kokichi came back inside to the dining hall to see only a few people there, the ones who Kokichi is used to, Shuichi and Maki, and the one Kaito assumed would be the next person to watch Kokichi, Tenko.

To say Kaito was shocked was an understatement, a major understatement. I mean Tenko calls every male a degenerate and refuses to be near them unless it's in a class trial or a female is with them. This couldn't end well, right?

POV: Tenko

I cant believe I got stuck with this job! I mean, me?! And that degenerate?! It's like asking for death! Apparently though, that degenerate Shuichi and goddess Maki thought it'd be a good idea for me to be around Kokichi seeing as Maki was able to bond with him. Atua this is gonna be so weird. I grabbed Kokichi away from Kaito and started walking out of the dining hall pulling him behind me, he just followed without a word walking quietly but keeping up with me, it was weird hearing only my footsteps but knowing he's directly behind me, when we get to my Ultimate Lab I'm asking him about it.

POV: Kokichi

Kaito and I walked back into the dining hall and upon entering I saw Shumai and Maki, along with Tenko? Kaito looked terrified and confused at the same time, and before he could even say anything, I was ripped away from him and was being pulled out of the dining hall by Tenko. Looking back, Kaito seemed sort of sad to see me leaving? I'm not sure why... I mean everyone loves being away from me now everyone is clumping around me, what the hell is going on today... I haven't been aloud sleep, I don't remember anything from this morning, and my neck hurts. Probably got stung by something honestly, but that doesn't explain why I woke up in Shumai's arms with him crying and everyone surrounding me. While I was lost in thought we arrived at Tenko's Ultimate Lab and she was waving a hand in front of my face calling my name. I blinked a few times before looking at her confused, she hugged me releasing a breath and then quickly let go realizing what she was doing and backed up a bit.

POV: Tenko
God! That scared the crap out of me! We entered my lab and I stopped pulling him but he was moving, didn't seem to be breathing, and wasn't blinking, I started calling his name louder and louder and waving a hand in front of his face, when he finally snapped out of it, I hugged him letting out a breath and thanking Atua, before realizing it and immediately let go of him. "You scared the shit out of me!" I screamed at him, only for him to respond with "S-sorry... I was just thinking...". I started feeling a little bad for yelling at him...

A few hours pass and, as shocking as it was, Kokichi and Tenko were having a good time. They had face masks on, music was playing, and they were joking and laughing and having a blast.

POV: Tenko

I remembered the rules Monokuma said to get Kokichi back to normal and thought why not do some investigating in something that no one knows. "Hey Kokichi? This is something I've been wondering for a while, what's your sexuality?" He seemed to think a minute before finally saying "I'm pansexual and poly". Okay so we got something, let me try something else. "Is there anyone you sort of have feelings for?" He seemed to try to think but he looked as if he was confused. "Honestly, I'm not sure? Shumai is great for obvious reasons, Kaito is a big dummy but he's also... caring and while he can sometimes be oblivious, he notices small things... Rantaro, I haven't been around him too much, but he's a nice guy... Miu has here own personality that makes her special, Gonta I see as more of a brother, and I'm not sure about Kiibo... and you I see as a sister after spending time with you like this, it's strange... I've never done stuff like this... I'm not sure honestly..." he sighed and looked away and I got up and immediately hugged him not caring how weird it was for me to do it. He needed a hug. This night was a weird night, it's okay for me to be weird too.

𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎:
I'm not sure who will be next, but hey we got some wholesome Tenko and Kokichi moment, not as a ship, what ya think?

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