Chapter XXXVIII- Good ol' Daily Life

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Kaito remembered it, but why didn't Shuichi? It didn't make sense at all. The only thing that might have some kind of impact on Shuichi's memory is the game, maybe it's because he survived the game while we didn't.

But that would mean Kaede would remember it too, so why hadn't she brought it up? I could be wrong I guess.

It's pretty strange how I was the first out, I thought I'd been out about the same time but I guess not. And how Kaede was still in the building by the time the quake started, which just made me wonder where she was when she was brought into the hospital.

I also pondered if I had known Shuichi before the game, since he'd apparently ran over to me after passing out. I know the Danganronpa team can erase memories, so was that what happened? It's all so strange. There's so much missing from the picture that I can't place yet.

If Shuichi remembered maybe then he could piece it together, he is the detective, not me. No use continuing to think on it though, I'll just drive myself bonkers.

That new motive is definitely interesting, who would kill for a key? I wondered if anyone had passed keys to more than just the consenting parties. It would be interesting to see it play out. After all, if the motives didn't work, Monokuma wouldn't pass them out. They seem to always have someone in particular picked out though, I wondered who it could be.

My mind grew curious to see what would be in the halls in the morning. I wondered if someone would be shot full of holes or everyone would be okay.

With that, I plopped my head on the pillow awaiting sleep.

When I pulled myself out of bed, I scoped the halls. Clear, no one dead yet. Good, but I had wondered if there were any defiants to Monokuma's rules. Guess not.

I went down to the cafeteria which was empty, oh right. I hadn't heard the seven am announcement. It must've been too early in the morning.

Being a tad frustrated, I went back up to the dorms and knocked on Shuichi's door to see if he was awake. The door opened a crack, Shuichi peering out at me. I smiled back at him cheekily. He sighed and fully opened the door to let me in.

He rubbed his eye, "Why are you up so early? The announcement hasn't even gone off yet."

"To see you of course!" I teased while moving to sit on his bed.

He knew it was a lie, regardless a smile tugged on his lips. "If that's what you want to say, I won't push."

"Plus, the cafeteria was empty. I had nothing better to do."

He cradled his head in his hand, "That makes more sense." He turned away from me to his closet, looking through it. I sneakily stood up and hugged around his waist from behind. His face flared up, "Ko-Kokichi!"

"Oh embarrassed are you? Nishishi~" I chuckled.

"W-well- You haven't been that bold in awhile-"

"Is that supposed to offend me? Cause it worked."

"N-no I-"

I laughed, letting go and standing up straight. "It was a lie, I'm fine."

He sighed. "H-how were the halls?"

"Clear, no blood or bodies in site!" I joked.

"I can't tell if you're lying or not."

"Check for yourself then mister detective!" I suggested.

He quietly scoffed but peered out the door to the hallway when he let out a sigh of relief.

"Well I wasn't lying!"

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