Chapter 57- Pots and Pans

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(Shuichi POV)

"Is- is there someone you're worried about in particular? I can't help with being in this game but if you just want to vent, I'll listen," Kaede told me.

I scratched my chin, "I'm worried- worried about Kokichi."

"I thought you guys were- uh," She paused, trying to find the right words, "at odds? Hehe. You did seem pretty angry with him about the whole exposing-my-friend-as-the-killer thing." She nervously chuckled.

I banged my head on the wall, "He was just trying to get the blackened so no one else died. I wish I realized that sooner. And now, he's going through the same thing I did, with losing Eiko. I can't be there for him since I lashed out at him and all."

"But if he hadn't you would've never gone through that pain. In this game nor the last," she added. What? Kaede, why would she say that? Did she not care about living? She seemed so ambitious about it in the last game.

I was shocked, "W-what're you saying? That we'd be better off dead?"

"Nope, just telling the truth. But then again, I'm glad we're still alive. I wouldn't be able to cook with you if not!" She smiled at me. It was nice before, before..

She kissed me.

I stared in disbelief, I wasn't comfortable with it. Why that moment? She was dating Rantaro, so why?"Alright! Time to stop talking trauma and get cooking!"

How could she change the topic so quickly? I cautiously continued this odd encounter, "Y-yeah. Okay."

"I'll grab some pans and bowls, you grab the ingredients!" She commanded. I went over to the pantry to grab the ingredients.

I was able to find most of them with the exception of the black pepper. I turned to ask Kaede, "Kaede I can't find the pepper in here-"

"Just look more in the back!" She shoved me into the pantry, banging my head into the shelf and I heard some clanks on the tile like running? I didn't know what it was.

"You didn't have to shove me," I commented.

She giggled, "Woops, my bad. I meant to point but put a little too much force into it."

I stood up, "Look Kaede, I-I. I think you should stick to Rantaro, don't do that to him, and I'm not into y-you."

"Oh, I just- I just thought. You're right, let's just stay friends then. Sorry I did that to you. It probably wasn't good timing anyway. And you're right, Rantaro's great." She smiled but not the normal kind. She was obviously sad but I had made my point. It was clear enough, right?

I stuttered, "I-I gotta go. Sorry Kaede, I left the ingredients on the center island."

I ducked out of the kitchen and decided it was better to go back to my room. I wasn't comfortable being around Rantaro or anyone else pretending like what happened didn't happen. It was an uncomfortable silence that awaited me in my room.

I flopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. Had I done something to make her think- no. Why would she think that'd be the right time? I didn't get it. It just seemed so out of character. I wanted to get it out of my mind so I took a look in the closet.

Monokuma removed some of the stuff from it, basically anything that could kill. He probably didn't want anyone to use the old motive again. But there were some novels left behind. Mystery novels actually, stuff I used to read before. Before the games, on my free time. Escape into a world where I catch the killer. Note to younger me, you'll get to experience all of that first hand, not in the way I expected but regardless.

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