chapter eleven

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Your movements got momentarily stumped when you read the headline of the papers, "DIVORCE PAPERS" never in your life you expected you to sign those papers.

Whirlpool of emotions stirred in your heart, shock, disbelief, betrayal and above all worthlessness.

The last that you would have thought was living a life without your man, the man that took your heart years back and cherished it for the longest time, but it was the same man who abandoned love from your heart with those papers.

"Why?" you cried with a low whisper blankly looking at the sheets that carried thousands of words that will legally leave you without family.

"Why?" "Why?" "Why..?" The same words rushed out of your mouth, "Why do I need to face all this pain?" You tried to complete your grief with a sentence.

It took hours for you to come back to reality. Once again you flipped the papers to check if it was really the divorce paper, but unfortunately yes, it was.

"If this is the thing that can make my family happy, I will do it." With anger shooting out of your blood read eyes, you used your entire power to control your hands from trembling and finally you scribbled your signature at the bottom of the pages.

As usual you dressed to go out, but this time you won't come back once your work is done. You packed a few of your important documents, rest all you left as it is.

Anything else from this house will stop you from doing what you are going to do. Those will always keep you grounded to the happy memories of your happily married life.

Standing in front of your bed you suck in a deep breath, the pictures of last night played in your mind numbing your scene, "ugh--" an annoyed cry escaped.

"The one who destroyed happiness from my married life has to pay for this, and I will make sure that they will get what they deserve. I will make sure-"



"She is gone" a tiny voice reminded him a millionth time today. With the divorce papers signed you broke every ties with him, leaving him alone with his vast empire.

You are gone, but his heart wasn't ready to accept it that you are no longer going to be his. You no longer belong to him, nor does he belong to you anymore. "I always belonged to her, and I will always belong to my Y/N only." He said looking at the marriage ring that was perfectly sitting on his ring finger.

"How can you leave just like that?" He complained to you looking at your pictures. Though what happened was best for the situation, for the longest time he was scared of how he was going to face you when you will ask him "Why do you want divorce?" Or when you will say, "Do you really don't love me anymore?"

Your sudden dismissal released him from the opportunity to answer your questions, that he highly feared that he would fail.

But your silence was clenching his heart. A little part of him wanted you to hit him, curse him, fight with him, and eventually convenience him. But that won't work well with his ideas. Still he wants.

He was mentally distorted, everything was working according to his plan, but just with those signatures he realised that he was hollow, completely empty with just a motive left to protect his family, which was no more his.

Jungkook sat in his cabin working on the laptop, even Jungkook can't decipher why he was working, he could just feel pity on himself saying he was working to destroy his years of hardship.

Whatever it was, but one thing was final in his mind that he was no way going back to house tonight, not when you won't be there to welcome him.

All of a sudden his ringtone caught his attention, his heart thudded out of his ribcage thinking if it was you. After what he did , he knew that you would spank him but still he will satisfy himself just by hearing your voice.

But it wasn't you, it was Elsa Rosè's nanny. "Si-r, " her voice trembled, taking a deep breath, she continued. "Sir, our car met with an accident and- and- Rosè is unconscious or " a long heartbreaking silence followed the most dreadful words, "maybe she is no more."

Jungkook's heart tore into million pieces, in fact everything inside him broke, "Stop talking rubbish Elsa, take her to hospital, me and Y/N will be there."

"I need to go to Y/N, she won't be able to handle herself. She will need me right now. I need to go to her."


Using your GPS location, Jungkook found out that you weren't in your office, rather you were in Jimin's house.

Without wasting a second Jungkook drove to his house, only to find you laughingly hugging Jimin.


What's Jimin's intentions? What do you think?
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