Chapter 5

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Today went by fast this morning. Me and Brahms are now reading together, I really miss being outside. It's autumn season so I really loved it since it's my favorite season. It's also a great time to have a picnic there.
How nice it would be to go outside and get some fresh air. I was staring out the window until I noticed Brahms staring at me, I looked at him and nervously laughed. "What's wrong y/n?" Asked Brahms in his child-like voice. I told him it wasn't really anything but the fact that I just missed being outside. He looked at me then looked outside and slightly cocked his head from side to side.

We finished finished reading and I was putting the books back up to the shelf's. Brahms asked me if I wanted to go eat outside with him. Him asking me that made me happy I immediately nodded my head. I gathered up some food and got a blanket for us to have a picnic on. I went outside and got in the car until he stopped. He asked where I was going. "Oh, I thought maybe you wanted to have a picnic somewhere nice, like at a park?" I said nervously. Brahms shook his head and he meant the garden. I felt stupid, of course he doesn't want to be seen by other people. He probably thinks that they're going to do something to him. I got out of the car and we walked to the garden together. I set up the blanket and food. Even in the garden it's still nice, me and Brahms looked at each other and I smiled.

We talked to each other for about 2 hours, time really does go fast when you're having fun. We got to know a lot of few things about each other, he seems to have a soft side to him. I mean only if you're good to him then he'll be good to you. He'll probably kill me if I acted bad. Like trying to escape but I don't think I want to escape. I want to stay here with him.

We were just staring at the beautiful season, I slowly rested my head on his shoulder. He seemed surprised at first and I can tell he didn't want to move to not mess anything up. He slowly patted my head and my face turned hot. It made me feel cozy. We gazed up at the sky and I was falling in love with him little by little.

Brahms POV:
As we were reading books, I noticed y/n looking outside. Her eyes looked like they want something and I wanted to find out what it was. I called her name and asked her what's wrong, she told me it was nothing but the fact that she misses being outside.
Does she really want to go outside that bad? I want to stay in the mansion with her forever though but if she really wants to go outside then I'll take her to the garden. That's acceptable, the garden is beautiful for a picnic in this time of season. While she was putting the books back up in the shelf I thought about asking if she wanted to go eat outside. Of course not somewhere far from the house, I'm scared of the outside world and they might punish me.

I asked her if she wanted to eat outside and her eyes lit up with such happiness. She packed some food and a blanket, I was confused on why she's getting in the car though is she trying to leave me? No I won't let her leave. She looked at me confused she told me she thought I meant going out at a park. Of course not, I'm afraid y/n. We walked to the garden and talked for several hours. Getting to know her more as a person made me feel like I'm the only one who should know these things, nobody else should. I want to know a lot about her. Hearing her laugh and smile is what made me happy.
She then slowly rested her head onto my shoulder. My heart was beating, I tried not to move to not mess anything up. Y/n hair smells good, I want to touch it. Slowly I patted her head and she seemed to not mind. This made me happy and we both gazed up at the sky.

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