Chapter 18

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Today is the day I start working, I have a client who'll pay 65, I just have to letter something out for her by hand and mail it to her. As I work, Brahms really likes watching me write. He compliments my handwriting a lot.

I did 27 letterings today and I got paid well. They all paid different prices depending on the type of work they want done on the lettering.

"Here, I brought you some fruit salad y/n."

"Thanks Brahms." I said as I smiled.
After I finished my fruit salad, I got a message from my boss, he said I'll be assigned with a partner and he'll help me improve my skills. I agreed with it, it starts tomorrow.

After 9 hours of work, I was finally done and I started closing up my laptop. I cleaned up my things and put them in my room, I also saw Brahms sleeping on my bed. I covered him in my blankets so he could be warm. I also kissed him goodnight as I was cleaning up around the house.

Once I finished, I headed up to my room to take a shower and once I was done Brahms was sitting up on the bed looking at me. "Err, you're already awake?" I asked, he just nodded slowly. As I was trying to put on my clothes, Brahms hugged me tightly from behind and his thing pressed up against me. It was pretty big and hard. "What's wrong Brahmsy?"

"I just miss you, you barely gave me any attention today." He said with sadness in his eyes. I patted his head and told him that I was working and that work requires a lot of attention. I also apologized as I put my clothes on. He laid his head down on the bed not looking at me anymore. This made me feel bad so I asked him if he wanted me to read him a bedtime story. He nodded as he turned around and held onto my hand. I was actually beginning to fall asleep as I was reading to him then suddenly I blacked out.

I woke up this morning finding Brahms holding onto me tightly, it was time for me to get ready for my work but it was very hard getting away from his hard tight grips because I didn't want to wake him up but every time I tried to let go of his grip, he would just hold me in even tighter. "Y/n, don't leave me please." He whispered.

"Brahms, could you loosen up your grip? It's getting really tight. I also need to get ready for work." He opened his eyes as I said this and turned to the other side. All I could see was his muscular back.

I got up and got ready and today is the day I was assigned to a partner to help improve my skills. Brahms also got ready and he came to watch me work. "Okay y/n, your partner will be Malcolm." I froze when I heard this name because I didn't know if it was another Malcolm or the Malcolm I used to know. I was right because Malcolm came on the video chat but he didn't seem surprised.

The boss left the video chat leaving only me and Malcolm together, I looked over at Brahms and his glare pierced through my soul. He had murder in his eyes. I didn't dare to speak. Malcolm and I spoke only about work and he gave me advices on what I should do to improve my skills. I made sure to write them down but he was acting as if he never knew me. It's like we never met. Brahms got up and walked away then I got a private message from Malcolm. It was him saying he was relieved to see me alive and that he'll find a way to get me out of the Heelshire's mansion. I messaged him back saying there was no need to get me out and that I was happy here. I even told him I got married to Brahms.

He seemed shocked to hear this but Malcolm also told me he was married too and his wife is pregnant right now.

9 hours later, I was finished with my work and I cleaned up my things. I made food for Brahms then I started cleaning. "Y/n, I finished eating." I took his plate and cleaned it up but he was awfully quiet.

Once it was time for bed, I looked outside the window. "Y/n, can I sleep here tonight?"
"Sure we're married now and we're supposed to sleep next to each other." I said while smiling. We got in bed together and I tucked myself in. Brahms wanted to cuddle me in his chest but I told him to wait as I grabbed my computer. Before I could even open my computer, he grabbed it and threw it. It completely broke. "Brahms! What are you doing?!" I yelled. "Stop looking at your damn computer all the time and give me attention!" He yelled back. His eyes started watering up.

"I was only checking if I did all of my clients work because if I miss one client's work, I won't get paid enough!" I exclaimed.

"Quit your job and find another one, Malcolm also works at your job and I won't allow it!" He yelled. This made me angry because he also broke my computer, I tried to get up and get my computer but he grabbed my hand and got on top of me. He had me pinned down. "Y/n, I'm sorry. Please quit your job and give me more attention. We have a mansion and a lot of money already. My family is rich, you don't need a job."

"Brahms, I want a job so I can provide for you. We may be wealthy but I want to also do something for a living. I love writing." I said to him. He slowly took off his mask revealing himself crying. "Find another job that does writing, just not this company." He said. I slowly touched his cheek and embraced him in my arms. I felt bad because all he wanted was my time and attention and affection. "I'll replace your computer y/n. I'm sorry about it" I told him it was okay.

He slowly looked up at me and kissed me, we started locking our lips and our tongues moved around in each other's mouths. He started kissing and sucking on my neck, I started moaning as he also started sucking on my chest. I stopped him before he could go any further, the hickeys he gave was pretty deep. "I want people to know that you're mine and mine only. You only belong to me." He said with such desires in his eyes. He pulled me in to his chest and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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