Chapter 7

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Today I woke up and didn't see Brahms next to me. I walked to the kitchen and there he was, he was making us breakfast. "Good morning y/n, I hope you slept well" with a smile on his face. I replied "good morning Brahms, I slept great and I hope you did too." We sat dow and ate together I feel really happy being with Brahms like this. The day went on and he's just doing nice things he's never done to me before it's weird but it is nice of him, just a little too nice.
As I was trying to take off my clothes so I can shower he came in and asked if I needed help showering. "I can wash your back." In his child voice. I declined but he then said he wanted to shower with me too, it's beginning to annoy me. "Brahms I want some privacy showering, you can shower when I'm done." I said with annoyance in my tone. He slightly looked down as if he's sad this made me feel bad so I finally said he could but he can't look or I'd kick him out. He nodded his head in a happy way and got in the shower with me. Brahms took off his mask and my heart started beating, why does he even need to hide his face even if he has a scar he's so handsome. Nobody really comes in this house anyways so he should just leave his mask off. Although he still looks hot with his porcelain mask on. He also took off his clothes.

I looked down and it was really big, I looked away because I was starting to become nervous. "Y/n you don't have to be ashamed" in his child voice. I told him he couldn't look, as we showered together Brahms started touching my shoulders and he whispered in my ears "let me clean you y/n" I pushed myself back and looked at him, his eyes were still closed though. I was done cleaning myself anyways so I wrapped myself in my towel and changed into my clothes. When I got out of the shower I could see him smiling at me.

Me and Brahms are now listening to his music. "Y/n come here" he demanded. It sounded serious so I got up and walked towards him. He rested his head on his hand and patted his thigh and said "sit." I became really nervous and I rejected him. He looked annoyed and demanded me to sit. To avoid getting in trouble I sat on his lap. He's been very touchy today. He put his arms around me and pulled me against chest. My heart is pounding so much.

"Y/n, you're the most beautiful women I've ever met." His tone sounded sweet and it sounded genuine. I blushed and rubbed his hair. He took off his mask and leaned in to kiss me, I also leaned towards him but stopped, I was getting too nervous so I got up and walked to my seat. "Sorry Brahms, I don't feel good right now." I'm just so nervous but the look on his face after seeing me getting up.

Brahms looked really upset, he got up and picked me up on his shoulder then carried me to my room. He slammed me against the wall and pinned me. "Look y/n don't play games, you know what I want. If you're rejecting me because you want another men I'll kill him!" Yelled Brahms. His tone was really scary. He seems to be clueless when it comes to love and romance. He's also jumping into conclusions a lot, I don't blame him since he's never done it with a women and lived majority of his life behind a wall.
"I'll make you mine y/n." Said Brahms as he walked away. "How about you control your temper? You surely won't win me over with an attitude with that." I said with boldness, I was scared to say this but I also needed to stand up for myself if he wants me to be his.

He stopped a bit but then walked away.

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