chapter 33

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Everything doesn't happen as we please right, life shows all the colours to us but for some it shows more grey and for some more yellow. But according to him life is showing him all grey, the tiniest hope which he had that she will be back in his life was crumbled now, now can be life so cruel towards him.

He was happy, when she was with him, 'was' it's all past now she was not with him anymore, or maybe she will never be, everything was good yesterday night but somewhere he knew that it's just for sometime and they are going to get back to square.

Comforting her was never in his mind, it just happened and when it happened it didn't ended well, but this time he wasn't ready to convince her, he was tired, tired of everything, apologizing her, going behind her, and waiting for her single word, he can't do this anymore.

He was only getting hurt everytime doing this, every time she questioned his love it pierced his heart, doesn't she know how much he loved her or she was so obvious. She just want to hurt him with her words and actions

She was not his chanchan anymore, she was Priya he never know, he never Loved this girl, girl he loved was complete different maybe he shouldn't have come India, atleast the hope would be intact, but he is regrating coming here, she crumbled his hopes, questioned his love and crushed his heart everytime they faced each other.

Now he doesn't want to try anymore, sometimes leaving something is better than holding it tight and hurting yourself, maybe their journey is destined only till here.

He took deep breath while dragging his luggage towards hall, his parents grandparents who was in hall gave him questioning look

"I got call from office, my presence is needed there" he told everyone

"When you will be back" his grandfather asked, that old man just want to live with his family, he realised how much he missed without forgiving his son for solong

"I don't know grandpa, but I will try to return soon" old man just nodded

"But how will you manage alone" his mother asked

"Mom don't need to get tensed, I will be fine you people enjoy, don't think about me" he said, talking blessings from his grandparents he told them to take care, he hugged his mother, wiping away her tears he kissed her forehead before leaving.

Vihaan came for collecting file from office, she was shocked to see Avinash setting luggage in car and Rohan was in driving seat, he leaped towards their building.

"Where are you going" Avinash smiled at vihaan's question

"London, work can't be avoided"

"I know you are lying and I won't ask you reason, but even iam coming airport to drop you"

Rohan started driving, but he can see his brother was sad for some reason, and he guessed it maybe Priya, she was good friend of him he in his widest dreams thought that he will hate her, he hated her for making his brother cry, he hated her for making his brother weak who was the strongest person on the earth according to him, the adoration love respect which ever he had for Priya was gone now.

Only he knew how much his brother suffered after everything, he drowned himself in work whole day and alcohol in the night, the man who never touched single sip of alcohol through out his life was addicted to it, how many times he went to get him from the bar to get him back to his appartment.

He saw how Avinash was broken, how he detached himself from the world, he know she wasn't at fault as she doesn't know anything but if she doesn't know anything way is she not ready to listen anything, his brother apologized her everytime he saw her from the day he came here.

Now he was afraid about his brothers condition after going there, why didn't he thought this earlier, his brother never got drunk aftter coming here but what If he again start after going there, no one will be there to stop him, and by seeing him he can say he was totally broken this time.

"Bhai I will come with you" Rohan broke silence in the car

"No rohan you njoy here, I will call you if I needed you there"

"But" Rohan shut his mouth when Avinash glared at him.

Vihaan looked Amused at brothers and how Rohan shut one glare from Avinash, they stopped car airport Rohan parked it and towards Avinash, a question popped in vihaans brain and he didn't thought more before asking

"How you got tickets at short notice"

"I checked ticket for first flight I had after I got call and luckily they was available" Avinash shrugged, he was thankful that he got tickets, he doesn't want to face her after she saying that he shouldn't bother even if she die.

When announcement came, he stood up and hugged vihan "no one is talking with her, she needs someone just stay with her" Avinash whispered to vihaan

after that Rohan hugged him,"Don't get druk bhai" he whispered, Avinash just smiled at him and left.

Rohan hung his head low after his brothers departure, Vihaan patted his back, he looked at Vihaan and hugged him

They went towards car but Vihaan saw Rohan was crying

"Man up Rohan, he is just going London, you can't cry like a kid who departed from his parents"

"No iam afraid something will happen to him, you didn't saw how broken he was looking, I don't know what should I do he is so broken Vihaan bhai, how can life be so cruel towards him, he was the strongest person I know, I can't see him like this anymore, no one knows how much these all chos effected him, he is just leaving that's it, he never talk to anyone, can you believe the person who never touched alcohol in his life became drunkard, one day when I suddenly got call from a friend who owns pub saying that my brother there and totally wasted I thought he was lying and I even said that he must be mistaken, he sent to photo I was shocked to see him in that state.

I know I shouldn't say this, she is you your sister, but it's all because if her, if that day she didn't came to office or atleast next day if she attended our calls situation would be in control. And I bet even today he is leaving because of her, I will never forgive her even if my brother does" Vihaan stared at Rohan, he hates Priya, but even she wasn't at fault, but he was his brother and saw what he went through just like them who saw what their sister went through, but his whole perspective on situation is far different from them, Vihaan choosed to stay silent, at this point even if he explain something to Rohan, he will not understand.

When they reached home, it was almost evening, so even Vihaan thought to stay at home, he saw Priya, sitting in back yard from his room, he slowly went towards her


"Hi bhai, you early" he just smiled, he doesn't want to say her about Avinash now, he want to know if she tries to find out about him when she doesn't see him for a day or two

"How was your day" Vihaan asked her, just that one question everything happened in college came in to her mind

"Good?" She said more like a question

"Iam sorry bhai, I should have informed someone yesterday" she whispered

"It's okay next Time be careful, don't apologise me but aunty an uncle, okay?" She nodded

That day everything fell into place, she asked sorry from everyone, but one thing bugged her most she didn't saw him whole day, maybe he is in his room. She know she hurted him but she just talked out of impulse without giving much thought what she was talking.

Words he said was ringing continuosly in her ears, did she really failed to think beyond what she saw, does she did something wrong rejecting his calls next day, she couldn't understand anything, was she selfish about only her.

But whenever she thinks about that day it hurts her, it was tough for her to get out that but was it tough for him too, but that cat.... Catherine was his girlfriend wasn't she, from whatever he said Today it doesn't looked like that, why she never thought about him but there was no room to think about him when she thought he was happy with his girlfriend, the way he said everything does it mean he never cheated on her, but what was she saw that day, Her head started paining thinking about all these.

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