chapter 14 (past 7)

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Priya POV

I stood in balcony remembering the today's incidents, I don't know why I behaved like that, back in his office, I was happy really happy because he is back but when he lost his concious I felt like crying, can't he just care of himself, but why do I care, that hug why did he hugged me, does he really mean what he said about missing me, I don't know what really happening to me these feelings are confusing, a beep on my phone bought me out of thoughts, when I opened it was from unknown number,

From unknown: hey

To unknown : who is this

From: rply for hey would be hello or hi

To : who the hell are you

From: not hell but definitely my company would be heven

To : just go die and go to heaven don't irritate me

From: easy miss Varma easy

To: u Know my name

From: no miss Priyali Varma

Who the hell is this I think I should call this person to warn

" So you was so desperate and directly called me"
"Look mr I don't know u and I just called you to warn you not because I was desperate or something and IAM blocking you"
" Hey don't do that miss varma this is Avinash" he said
"Umm... Yeah.... Actually I thought you to ask.... Did you reach home"
"You called me to ask this sir, that to this time"
"Yes actually no umm... Can we go for a coffee tomorrow" did he just asked me out, I can't go tomorrow
"Actually sir tomorrow I think it isn't possible"
"Why" damn this man how many questions he is going to ask, but I can't  say the actual reason that sid is coming and iam going to receive him, what if he finds it lame and doest approve my leave, so iam gonna lie
"Actually sir ummm... I..... I have headache and slight fever so I will take rest tomorrow" perfect excuse isn't it
"What!! Take care Priya, it's okay if you don't come to office and go and sleep why are you up till now" he said with concern, I really felt bad for lying to him

"Did you had your dinner" I asked him

"Aaaa... Mmm..... Yeah I had" he said, well I know he is lying

"So what you had" I asked

"Priya take rest you have fever right" he said changing topic

"Don't change topic mister" I snapped

"You know, before calling you I know you going to yell regarding my dinner" he said

"You know you would have got good side business if you were in India" I said sarcastically

"And what's that"

"Ofcourse telling astrology"

"Okay okay sorry, I didn't had my Dinner, but it's not my fault I just came home" I can imagine him shrugging

"Yeah I know you didn't had dinner, that's why I asked"

"Shoot, then even you missed side business" he said, god this drama king

"Go and have something and better have even your sleep" my tone was sharp

"Sure madam" I can hear him smile

"Okay bye" I said before disconnecting the call
Next day I woke up before my alarm rang, even shine was surprised to see me up early, I got ready and went to airport to receive sid.

Avinash pov

I chuckled after disconnecting the call, you are really cute wifey, you are worried about me when you have fever. But She has fever iam really worried about her, this girl can't even take care of her, I wanted to see her but I don't know her address, and here I stuck in airport to receive my idiot friends, Sanjay and Sanjeeth in shot Jay and jeeth who are twins and my best friends, they went to India for a project, they both are in hospitality industry so they went to India to open a branch in their home town, their gand parents aunts and uncles stay there so they go to India atlest once a year, but this time it was a long trip for them they stayed there up to completion of hotel constitution, so here iam waiting for them, I really missed my best friends, when I was searching for them I came across a familiar figure, it's Priya, what the hell she is doing here didn't she have fever, I walked towards her but i stopped when she waved at someone,

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