chapter 7

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Avinash pov

"Aviiiii let me sleep na" she whined

"Chanchan comeon you have to study"

"Phweseee" she said with a cute face and puppy eyes. My lips twisted up at her antics

"Okay one more concept and you can sleep promise" I said and she nodded like a child

"Phew... Done, oh my god Avi it was a tough concept, don't know what I will do without you" she said and jumped into my arms, I wrapped my arms around her

"It's life kiddo, I can't be always with you" I said and she tightened her grip around me

"I will never let you go" she said with a with grin

"What if I go" I asked, though I know I will never let her go she is my soul..

"I will drag you always with me where ever I go, it's promise" she said peaking near my heart

I sighed recollecting  my those beautiful memories which she gave, she changed my life by entering, but now she gone very far.... 'where are you chanchan, you promised you will never leave me but now you gone far, do you even remember me chanchan, do you even remember you promise' my eyes got moist, my thoughts broke when I heard knock on door, I wiped my eyes and turned


"Yes Rohan, meeting is in an hour right, let me check the presentation"

"Bhai iam not here for informing about meeting, you didn't had breakfast"

"Yeah I forgot, let it be Rohan I will eat lunch directly" I said and smiled

"Atleast don't fake smile with me bhai" I frowned

"I think you have to move on bhai, she is gone, it's been more than an year, she didn't even tried to contact you"

"So did I rohan, even I didn't tried"

"Did she left any choice bhai, I know you love her but you are distancing yourself from everything and everyone, mom dad are worried for you, you don't even trun up home atleast once in a month"

"It's work Rohan you know I try to come home"

"Please bhai, why are shutting people around you, you are making our parents suffer, for one who left you"

"She didn't left Ronah, it's my fault, and I was at fault not her, and today I'll come home don't lecture me now" I said Rohan and there was an another knock at the door

"Mom, u here" I stared at her in suprise

"When you don't want to show up home what can she do" said dad coming behind from mom

"Dad it's not that it's just iam busy these days, and works keeps me occupied"

"No Avi, don't shut yourself dear, please" mom said hugging me

"You know mom, it's not like that, it's just work" I thought of convincing them but they are in no mood to listen me

I know they are worried about me, I became total aloof from the day she left, from that day iam waiting for her every day, whenever I see a unknown number my hope raises and next second it crushes, I don't know when she gonna return into my life but I know one day she will be mine....

"I have to go I have meeting, Mom I will be home tonight dont worry"I quickly pecked her forehead and left for meeting

I was in meeting I got a call and I was from Indian number, my hopes rose again, I quickly sprinted out of the conference hall and answered call

"Hello" I said with lote of hope

"Hello am I speaking to Mr Avinash Gupta" a male voice came, I again became gloomy, it is not her

"Yes, Who is this" I asked the other person

"Iam Rahul.... Rahul Sen, Priyali Varma's friend" do I heard it right, does he just said her name, my love's name

"Are you there Mr Gupta" I heard him again

"Ye.... Yeah Iam, How are you, and is" I gulped last word I was not even able to take her name, my emotions overtook my speaking ability today

"Priya" he completed my sentence


"I can't say she is fine Mr Gupta" he said, next second my thoughts was not in my control, I was thinking various possibilities that would have happened to my chanchan, but his next words snapped me out of thoughts

"She became aloof, she is not same chirpy Priya I know, and worst part is, I never know the reason for her sadness I just got to know about it 15 min back, now only u can bring my friend bank"

"Now what do you expect me to do Rahul, do you want me to come India" I asked him

"If you once loved her u have to come" he said raising my anger

"What you you mean by once Mr Rahul, she was my love she is and she will be mine" I roared at  him

"Okay then come to India, I will send you address where to meet and please inform me before coming"

"I will be there on Monday" I said without thinking much

"Okay" he said before ending the call

Now Iam sitting in the flight to India, I don't know how she gonna react definitely it will not be positive, in last one year I always wanted to meet her tell her the truth but I don't know what stopped me, I really didn't had guts to face her, maybe I feared of her hatred, I can see anything in her eyes for me but hate.

Life really plays game, I loved her I thought I should never hurt, I can't even see water in her beautiful eyes but I became the reason for her agony, did she really deserve me, maybe no, but still I can't leave her, I may sound selfish but I can't live without her, she is my life.

Flight landed in India, my motherland but I never been here, I quickly messaged Rahul to inform about my landing, iam going to meet her tomorrow.

I was in special cabin of hotel I saw Priya coming behind a man, she is not same her eyes miss that spark, she lost weight, her eyes were swollen as if she cried, I gulped lump in my throat I can't see her like this, I quickly turned around, I can't face her, I heard the foot steps behind me, I heartbeat increased, my body betrayed me it became weak, after gaining lot of strength I turned around to see her, her eyes went wide after seeing me, those beautiful eyes softened for second but she quickly masked it with hate, anger, frustration.

I know she hates me now, but I was the reason for her hatred, ain't I, ofcourse Iam, but I can't see her hate, I want to explain.

She was on ground sobbing I quickly went to her and held in my arms, she relaxed in my embrace and started sobbing, I felt like my heart foud a it's missing piece, she soon tried to push me but I didn't budged, I held her tight, but when she called me Mr Gupta, I felt like dying, isn't she My chanchan who use me call me sweetly, indeed she changed, She left without glancing at me.

She left without glancing at me,I don't know how to win her trust back, she is not same Priya who use to love me to the moon.

I closed my eyes remembering her, my Priya who was innocent like child, her sparkling eyes, her smile, her antics, her giggles, she was fragile but feisty. I still remember the day when I first saw her. I smiled at the memory.

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