chapter 39

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Dragging her luggage into hall Priya smiled at every one, they were stunned to see Priya with luggage except Avinash, Sid and Rahul.

"Nahni you are coming with us" his grandfather asked, she nodded

"Yes nanu iam" she answered, they started at her confused not knowing why she was actually going.

"Okay let's go now" she said dragging her luggage out side, everyone looked at Avinash questioningly, he didn't said anything.

He know she was being stubborn and she won't talk to him but he doesn't want to stay her here more days at the stake of her career. He sighed looking at her who doesn't even looked at him before going out, how badly he want to hug her before she is gone but that stubborn girl not even looking at him, hugging was far more.

"Don't you wanna talk to her bhai" rohan asked

"She won't talk even if I try" Avinash chuckled, and if he try more she will ask him that she will stay here for some more time and he knew she just throwing tantrums just so that he will give up but he was determine to send her at any cost.

"Then how you are this cool, don't you want to cool her"

"No I will talk to her later let her calm down" Avinash said


Priya stared out of the window seeing passing clouds, she cursed Avinash for not even tried to talking with her, she thought if she don't talk with him he will ask her to stay but he didn't to talked to her asking and pleading was far.

She wanted to punch his face but she stopped her self seeing his already broken limbs. How she want to break his teeth.

"What are you muttering Priya" sid asked looking at priya.

"Nothing, just thinking about something"

"What happened to your lover boy he didn't even talked to you when you was coming" Rahul asked no almost mocked her, she rolled her eyes at his comment

"Guys I know you don't like him but why you guys are not believing me when iam saying there is definitely some back story, when you belived when I said he was bad person" Priya asked clearly not understanding them

"Look pipi, we are just conserned about you we don't want see you heart broken again" Rahul stated

"And as far as we know you always make bad decisions" sid said

"Really then why you are friends with me why don't you just leave" she said with anger, sid regrated saying that before he could say anything she closed her eyes.


Avinash looked at his watch for every ten minutes, she would have reached by now but he received no call or message from her, he was beyond frustrated, Rohan saw him and almost laughed but composed him self before speaking as he don't want to get beaten by his brother.

"Bhai why don't you call her instead of seeing phone for every five minutes" rohan said chuckling, Avinash glared at him but spoke

"Fine" he called Priya but it went unanswered, he again dialled her number this time she answered after fifth ring.

"Hello Priya"


"Did you reached" he asked though he know she gonna answer something that going to piss him

"No even in flight iam getting signals" she rolled her eyes "before you say something, yes I reached before half an hour and I didn't called you because I don't want to talk to you" she finished ending call.

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