Chapter 19

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A\N: my writing skills are getting worse by the second.

it finally turns into night, everything was shut off.

the place was quiet, you would hear noise again in the morning.

Charles was dead asleep on the bed, wrapped in blankets.

Ruby, was still awake. she was a dog of course.

she bounced off the bed, walking toward the door.

Ruby ran down the stairs, unaware that Henry is asleep.

Ruby walked past the sleeping ex-convict.

she climbed the couch and saw the window. she pushed herself towards the window.

it opened and Ruby fell out of it, falling into a pile of wet leaves.

she bounced out of the leaves and went.

forgot to mention, she sniffed Ellie's scent from the blanket Charles was using. he just didn't know he took Ellie's blanket.

thankfully, Ruby left at night.

it made it easier for her to find Ellie with people picking her up to keep her or to take her to the dog pound.

nothing was really happening when it's night.

it's just quiet and pretty much boring.

Ruby was alone, walking in those lonely sidewalks that was always filled with people in the morning

it would be a long walk, she wouldn't have to worry about the roads too.

there's no cars around either.

there's a small chance there could be people around, who shockingly stay awake and kill dogs (as for what Ruby sees)

she looked both ways before crossing, she seems and feels free.

as a dog, of course. any person could feel like that.

Ruby made it to the other side and arrived to the section of small houses.

the lamps shined with their light, making the sidewalk turn into it's color

Ellie's scent lead to a small house on the corner.

Ruby squeezed through the gate door and ran towards the front door.

she ran to the front door and scratched the door.

she braked and howled until somebody answered the door.

Ellie opened and was surprised to Ruby there.

she was brightened with joy as Ruby saw Ellie.

"how did you get here?" Ellie asked, picking Ruby up. 

Ruby kept on licking Ellie, she was clearly glad to see her again. 

she placed Ruby inside the house and closed the front door.

"i bet lots of people woke up because of Ruby." Ellie laughed.

"you think so?"

a voice Ruby never heard before. she swore she had, but she couldn't remember.

Johnny looked at Ruby and patted her head, he started walking towards Ellie.

it confused Ruby a bit but she didn't mind at all.


Ruby is confused lol.

Words: 422

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