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Stifling a yawn with the back of your hand, you glance around the dorm room you were forced to share with Hitch, which was a little less cluttered than usual. 

After the events that had taken place the pervious night, you didn't stop driving till you arrived back at the dorms and upon your arrival you were stuck explaining to the dorm head why you we're out so late. Of course telling her that you had somehow gotten stuck in what seemed to be a highly illegal street race wasn't the smartest thing ever, so you had to lie saying something along the lines of how Hitch had to head home suddenly because of some family issues. 

Thankfully the two of you got back safely, with nothing more than a headache from the lecture given to you from the dorm head. 

Besides obviously being both confused and extremely frustrated, you were also exhausted- passing out as soon as your face came in contact with your pillow. Before you knew it, you had slept through the whole day, only waking up once to grab a glass of water. 

On the other hand, Hitch had been up and about- from choosing which pictures to post on her Instagram too cleaning a bit of the dorm she was definitely more productive in a single day than you had been during the whole summer break. 

Blinking sluggishly, your eyes finally found Hitch who was standing in front of her vanity mirror applying some form of makeup to her smooth olive tone skin.

As if she felt your gaze, Hitch turned around looking at you with a small smile on her painted lips. 

"Your finally up!" 

Rolling your eyes your fall back onto your bed, pulling a blanket over your head. "No I'm not."

You hear Hitch sigh loudly, before the sounds of heals slamming against the wooden floor became louder. She was coming. 

The blanket is suddenly ripped off your body and you're curl up from the sudden feelings of cold air hitting your skin. You open you eyes slightly to glare at Hitch but your expression quickly changes from anger to confusion as you spot the red mini dress in her hands.

"Hitch what the hell is that." You hiss, your eyes wide. The dress looked like it would cover close to nothing and would be ridiculously uncomfortable to wear. 

She looks at the dress then back to you with a sly smile on her face. "It's your outfit for the party!" 

If it was even possible your eyes widen even further and your jaw falls slack. There was no way in hell you were wearing that dress. Not only would it expose you and make you extremely uncomfortable but it was the complete opposite of your usual minimalist style, consisting of mostly black and white articles of clothing. 

"Ok first of what party?" you start confused as too when you had even agreed to go to a party. "And two- why is is so fucking short."

The smile on Hitch's lips is replaced by a pout. "Oh come on Y/N! You know the frat party in dorm 6?" 

You furrow your eyebrows and scrunch your nose in disgust. "I never agreed to that party. And even if I did I wouldn't be caught dead wearing... that." You eyes the dress with a hateful gaze.

Your roommate rolls your eyes and points at her own outfit, consisting of an olive green mini dress that made her skin tone look flawless. She paired the short dress with a pair of cream coloured heels. It took you a second but you realized she wore the exact same dress except it was in a different colour- and she absolutely slayed it. Her long legs appeared even longer and slimmer and her waist seemed so tiny it was hard to believe she was even real. 

LIGHT SPEED | Eren JaegerWhere stories live. Discover now