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The bitter aroma of coffee floated through the air as your eyes opened up, your body becoming suddenly aware of your surroundings. You sit up and quickly spot Eren cooking something on the stove in the kitchen. A smile spreads across your face as you get out of bed and walk over to him.

"What's cooking, good-looking?" You tease him with a chuckle.

Eren's eyes widen as he glances at you, scrunching his nose in an attempt to appear be disgusted "Holy fuck that's so corny," but the expression on his face quickly turns to one of amusement, a large smirk spreading across his face. "Am I really good-looking?"

"I'd say you're pretty decent," you respond, still teasing. 

He raised an eyebrow at you, leaning against the counter his arms crossed across his chest. "Decent?" 

You smirk. "Yup." You leave him to think about your response, turning your attention to the many cabinets, you start playing a game of Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe in your head to guess which one holds the cups.

You choose the cabinet next to the sink and step towards it, pleasantly surprised to see that you had been right. But to your dismay, the cups are too high for you to reach. Despite this, you try to reach them, tippy-toeing and stretching. Just as your hand was about to grab onto the cup, gravity pulls you backwards.

Eren's strong hands wrap around your waist, steadying you in an instant. You could feel the heat creeping onto your face as you twisted and turned in his arms so you were now facing him, a sheepish smile on your lips.

He was no longer smiling and his once playful expression had turned into a serious one. "That was pretty dangerous," he says in a monotone voice, his eyes cold not portraying any emotions. A shiver runs up your spine your smile flattering. 

"Is everything okay?" you ask, trying to hide the slight fear in your voice.

Eren pauses for a moment, his gaze still serious. "Yeah, I'm fine," he says, his tone still monotone. "You should just be more careful."

You nod, understanding his concern. "I appreciate that," you say, your voice soft. "But I can take care of myself, you know."

Eren's expression slowly softens, and he offers you a small smile. "I know you can- But I can't help but worry about you," You notice the tips of his ears turning slightly red. He clears his throat, and quickly continues. "Because you still owe me a shit tone of money and all that." 

You smile back at him, feeling relieved that the tension has lifted. "So, what's for breakfast?" you ask, eager to change the subject.

Eren grins and turns back to the stove. "Just a simple omelette," he says. "Nothing fancy though, I'm not Sasha."

You let out a laugh, remembering the delicious filled omelette Sasha had made for you a while back after a long morning working on the upcoming race. Still knowing it wouldn't be the same, your mouth watered as you suddenly noticed how hungry you really were. "It smells amazing." 

Eren chuckles. "Just hope it taste good too." he mutters, staring intently at the eggs that had been cooking on the stove. "Go sit down, I'll bring it over in a sec." 

You nod and make your way over to the table, heat blooming across your back as your mind finally begins to register the past five minutes. 

Lately, Eren and you had grown more at ease in each other's company, and apparently others had also started taken notice. Hitch, in particular, had frequently brought up the fact that she'd seen the two of you walking around together on campus after class. Even some of Hitch's friends have made comments, usually ones filled with jealousy and malice.

When you think back to all those parties that Hitch had dragged you too, you briefly remember seeing Eren and his friends standing around, always the centre of attention. And if your memory served right, most of the girls at those parties always seemed to be staring at Eren with looks that reminded you of hungry lions who had gone a little too long without food. 

And yet despite all of that, Eren was still a mystery to you. As stupid as it sounds, he reminded you of an onion, with layers upon layers of complexity that you couldn't quite seem to peel away. There were moments when he was charming and funny, making you laugh until your sides ached. And then there were moments when he was brooding and distant, like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

You found yourself wondering about what made him tick, what his passions and fears were, and what he wanted from life. You had begun to crave the idea of peeling away those layers and uncovering the real Eren, but at the same time, you couldn't ignore the knots in your stomach at the thought. Would you like what you see?  

And yet despite the uncertainty, you felt drawn to Eren. He was unlike anyone you had ever met, and there was a pull between the two of you that was hard to ignore. You couldn't help but feel like the answers to your questions were hidden within those layers, and that with each one you uncovered, you would be one step closer to understanding who Eren truly was.

"What are you thinking about?" Eren questioned as he set the food down on the table. 

You blinked, realizing that Eren had been speaking to you. "Oh, sorry," you said, shaking your head slightly to clear your thoughts. "Nothing- I'm just uh, worried about the race tomorrow." 

It wasn't exactly a lie. The race tomorrow was a big deal, and you had been training to be ready for it. And yet despite everyones constant encouragement, you still felt as if you were going to let everyone down. 

"Your gonna be fine." He reassured, not looking at you. His eyes focused on his phone, brows furrowed. 

Your stomach began to knot at his expression. "Is everything okay?" You questioned, worry seeping through your words. 

He let out a large sigh. "We need to go." His eyes met yours. "Thing just keeping going to shit these days."


been gone cause finals LMAOO but i'm finally done and i didn't actually do shit??? also I did math today for the first time in like a year and what the actual fuck 😹

anyways uh idk what this chapter is lol. 

fluff and stuff ig 


shut yer trap whores. 

its coming.

- star <3

Word count: 1100

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