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this chapter sucks ass- deal with it <3

Future star: i don't hate it wtf?

003, EREN

"Congrats, you found me princess."

His voice sent chills down you spine. It reminded you of one that was described in books. Deep. Smooth like velvet. It was almost calming to you, despite that situation you were currently in. 

Key word- almost.

Despite his use of the endearing word princess, his tone was anything but. Instead he sounded rather obnoxious, maybe even cocky. It was definitely pissing you off, but in your current position with his hand around you mouth, while the other one kept your wrists pinned against the wall, there wasn't much you could do. 

"Well actually," your eyes had finally adjusted to the dark, and within a moment you were able to recognize the bright green eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. It was the guy from the car ride race thing. You watch as a small smirk forms on his lips. "I found you."

Cocky. This guy was beyond cocky. You absolutely hated him.

"So do you remember me?" His smirk grows. "Ahh that's right, you can't exactly reply right now, can you?" A deep chuckle escapes from his lips.

You narrow your eyes at him, disliking how the whole ordeal was amusing to him.

"Now now. Don't be angry princess."

What the hell was up with these pet names?

Tilting his head slightly upwards as to motion that he was thinking, his playful yet taunting gaze falls back onto you. "I could let you go. But then you might scream and that wouldn't be good."

You let out a scoff, which was muffled by his hand. "You know what, how about if I let you go and you scream- that pretty friends of yours gets hurt?"

This time your eyes widen and you shake your head vigorously.

"So submissive. Your interaction with Jean had me thinking you would be a lot harder to deal with." The boys eyes and expression suddenly turn serious. "Relax sweetheart. I won't touch on hair on Hitch's head. It's not how I work."

With that, he drops his hands from your mouth and wrist, leaving you free to speak and move.

"Sorry. I really do think you have the wrong person. Now if you'll excuse me-" You reach for the door handle but his next few words stop you dead in your tracks. 

"Not the best idea. My buddy Reiner's out there. Big guy. Real scary looking." 

Letting out a curt, humourless chuckle you look back to the green eyed boy with a sweet smile. "Look asshole. I don't know who the fuck you are but I'm gonna leave this room right now and you not gonna stop-"

His actions left your speechless for the second time when he pulls out his phone and begins swiping through pictures of you driving, along with your record and a few personal flies.

"Oh shit. I guess that clears up a few things." The boy is left speechless this time around. "You wan't money right? I mean you caught me driving without a license and now you're blackmailing me for money?" 

When he doesn't reply, you take that as your chance to keep going. "I hate to break it to you, sweetheart. But I don't have any money."

This time he chuckles, leaning towards you. He was so close that if either one of you was to move an inch your lips would collied. His breath was rather sweet, with a cool minty scent to it. You watched as he licked his lips before talking. "That's fine. You'll just have to pay with your body."

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