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"You smoke?" You ask Eren as he places a cigarette between his lips. 

His gaze meets your own and he shrugs. "I used to- until Armin started nagging me about how it was bad for my health." He lout out a low chuckle as he dropped the unlit cigarette onto the ground and smushed it with his foot. "I didn't get what he meant until Mikasa beat the living crap out of me."

Your eyes widen and you whip your head back to the car where Mikasa, Armin and Jean stood by they're cars talking amongst themselves. 

Mikasa wasn't short or weak looking, but she didn't exactly seem like the type to be able to beat up someone. But than again looks are deceiving. 

You could have never guessed that Armin was involved with all of this or that Eren was actually a computer engineering major. 

Looking back at Eren you let out a small sigh, leaning against the hood of his car. 

With your upcoming race in only two days, Eren had dragged you sorry ass out of you apartment with the promise of chicken nuggets- which you had yet to receive. 

Not only had he robbed you from the warmth and comfort of your bed, but he had also forced you into the drivers seat of his car. 

Surprisingly, things had gone pretty smoothly, and you had even managed to earn a complement from Jean about how great you were at driving. 

To you dismay that was only driving to the warehouse, which you knew would be nothing like the real deal. Along with the speeds being on two completely differently levels, you would also be in the car all alone, without Eren or even Armin to assure you that you were doing fine. 

"Hey Y/N!" You hear Armin call as he jogs over to you and Eren. You look at him with a small smile, as he come at a stop in front of the two of you. "You wanna try going around the course now?"

Your lips part as you thought about the previous time you had ridden the course and as if Armin could sense your distress he frantically tries too reassure you. 

"Of course if you want more time or even want to try something easier first it's totally fine! I shouldn't expect you to feel comfortable right off the bat. I mean your completely new and for all we know your previous attempt could have been a complete fluke-"

Eren cut him off and threw an arm over his best friends shoulder. "Alright Armin that's enough. Y/N knows what she got herself into and agreed to it." His eyes focus on you with a serious look. "Isn't that right?"

You lips press into a forced smile. "Exactly! Don't worry Armin I'll be fine." 

Letting out a small sigh of relief Armin nodded and gave you a quick thumbs up before walking back over to the other two who had watched to whole ordeal. Jean was hunched over, laughing uncontrollably while Mikasa looked like she was trying to hold back her own laugh. It seemed like Armin's panic was nothing out of the ordinary for his friends. 

"Ready to go?" Eren asked and you nod, skipping over to the drivers side and slipping onto the cool leather seat. 

Just as you reach for you seatbelt Eren speaks up again. 

"Are you sure you want to do this Y/N?" 

A small sigh leaves your lips. "Do I really have a choice?" When Eren doesn't respond, you take that as your question to start driving. 

Putting the gear into drive, you press down on the glass pedal lightly. 


Your foot had barely touched the pedal and yet the car flew forward. A small shriek escaped you as you gripped the leather steering wheel tightly, trying your best not to crash. 

Eren let out a laugh as he leaned back into his seat, completely unfazed by the fact that you are struggling to keep the car on the road. 

"Sharp turn on the left." Eren yelled over the sound of the engine, and sure enough the turn that you had barely managed to turn at was coming up, and it was coming fast.

You didn't have enough time to slow down as the turn came towards you and in an instance of panic your foot stomped onto the break, causing you to come to a screeching stop. Your body flung forward a bit before being thrown back into the seat and you let out a few pants, trying to breath.

"So I guess it really was a fluke." You mumbled, throwing your arm over your eyes and you tried to study your breath. 

"Actually you're completely wrong Y/N." Eren chuckled and you peeked out from under you arm to look at him. "You made the turn. And better yet you could have finished the whole ass course if you kept going." 

You felt your jaw drop with shock as you opened your eyes. 

Sure enough you had made the turn, and up ahead there was the second warehouse which marked the finish line. 

"Not bad loser." Eren said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he pulled out his phone and began to dial a number, before stopping in his tracks. 

His gaze was focused on something in the distance, not to far from the second warehouse and as you followed his gaze you noticed the outline of a few figures standing in the light of car headlights. 

Raising an eyebrow in confusion you looked over at Eren. "Who the hell are they?" 

He shook his head slowly as he spoke. "I'm not sure- hey Y/N turn the car off." 

Following his instructions, you turn the key and full it out from the ignition slot, leaving the two of you in the complete dark. 

You hadn't noticed that the street lamps on this road weren't on until now, which made the situation a thousand times creepier than before. Shuddering you look over at Eren who was typing desperately, as if he was trying to get some answers as to what was going on. 

A few minutes passed before Eren shut off his phone and looked at you. "Come on." With that Eren stepped out of the car and shut his door quietly, and you followed his actions- making sure the door didn't close to loudly. 

Taking the lead, Eren walk towards the warehouse which was only a few hundred meters away from where we had parked the car. 

As the two of you got closer, the voices belonging to the figures become clearer, but not to he point where you could understand anything they were saying. 

"You think they're starting to catch on- hey who's there?" A deep voice called out. 

Eren moved fast, grabbing your hand and quickly puling you behind a pile of bricks as the sound of foot steps began to near you. The two of you were crouched behind the small pile, with your back pressed against Eren's chest  to minimize the chances of you getting caught.

The foot steps finally stopped only inches away from where the two of you were hidden. Eren's hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer than before so that now you were practically situated between his legs. 

"What is it?" An unfamiliar females voice calls and the foot steps retract after a second, heading back to where the cars were parked. 

"Nothing- probably a racoon or something." The deeper voice replied. "We should head out." 

"Sounds good." 

With that, the sound of car engines and the smell of gasoline filled the night as the trespassers left the warehouse. 

✧ º+ ○


what even is this chapter lol.

Word count: 1445

date: July 11th 2021

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