Samuel & Sebastian

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"Nice one, he asked you to go clothes shopping for your 13-year-old cousin?" Sebastian asked.

"Once removed, yes. He's living there now." Samuel answered.

"With Daddy's credit card, uh, I love it. When are we going shopping" Sebastian asked.

Samuel laughed. "Father said nothing fancy. The kind of stuff Jacob would wear. A few shirts, jeans, boots, runners, hoddies, t-shirts, that kind of stuff, practical for the ranch."

"He actually said, nothing fancy, and something your brother would wear?" asked Sebastian.

"Yes." Samuel said irritated. "He so knows", Sebastian said.

"Maybe...He wants me to go back for the summer and tutor him. Help him catch up. Apparently, he missed out on a lot of schooling." Samuel told him.

"Uh I'd love that. A summer on a ranch in Montana. All the cowboys. Mmmhmm! Can I come?" Sebastian joked.

"I said no." Samuel told him.

"Ouch, how did daddy take it. Your father doesn't sound like a man who takes no for an answer." Sebastian said.

"Funny that, compared to my brothers I usually got around him." Samuel reminisced thoughtfully.

"Anyway, I told him it wouldn't be a good idea, the last thing this boy needs, is being put between the two of us disagreeing over his parenting style. He agreed in the end. I promised to ask around though. I actually have someone in mind. You know Monica who started working in the school last September. She is from the reservation, you met her at the Christmas Party, remember? I think she was looking for work for the summer as far as I know. She has tons of experience. Not so sure what she'd make of my father though, or my father of her. And I'd have to tell Jacob to behave himself. Anyway, I'll ring her later." Samuel said.

"You actually told him you don't agree with his parenting style?" Sebastian sounded impressed.

"Absolutely I did. He produced the paddle on the first night, after we had this long conversation the day before. I thought he had listened and agreed with me on some strategies. I had told him quite clearly that he shouldn't use corporal punishment at all with a child so badly traumatised." Samuel sounded angry.

"He didn't. Did he actually spank him?" Sebastian sounded upset.

"No, he threatened him, which is bad enough, and told him that it's what he'd get if he'd didn't do what he was told. Apparently, the boy put it up to him right away. I had told him that this was going to be difficult and he needed to be patient with him. In fairness he did listen to the other stuff I told him. Who knows? It might actually all work out. My father's heart is at the right place here it seems. And he doesn't give up easily. He's just extremely old fashioned and authoritarian. You know he never actually did spank me." Samuel told Sebastian.

Sebastian laughed. "Ha, when you finally come out, he will probably blame it on himself having spared the rod too much." Samuel laughed.

"I will drive up this weekend. Would you like to come? I'd like you to come. I could do with emotional support. I can't tell them about us though. I'd have to introduce you as a friend." He looked at his partner of five years nervously. "I know I said I am ready, and I am not going back on my word. I just don't think this is the right time. Not with all of this going on. Sorry Sebastian."

Samuel looked at Sebastian anxiously for his reaction, but Sebastian grinned. "Don't worry. It's cool. You do have to pick the right moment, I get it. Not everyone has such lovely parents as I. I'd love to come along and see where you've grown up and meet them all. And maybe check out those cowboys or that vet you told me about, while I am at it." Sebastian grinned.

"Oh god, Dante. I had such a crush on him when I was younger." Samuel grimaced in embarrassment.

"I'll be your best friend, don't worry. And that's not even a lie, is it?" Sebastian said with a big smile.

Samuel leant down to him and gave him a kiss. "And that is why I love you, and no other!" he said.

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