A Visit Home

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They arrived at the ranch at noon on Saturday, just in time for lunch. They had been quiet on their drive, both men were equally nervous.

John Dutton was watching Jacob work with the horse again, when he noticed his youngest son get out of the car. Damn it, he hadn't told me he was bringing a friend. He would have to tell Bernard.

The men walked towards each other and John Dutton embraced his youngest son with a big hug and a few slaps on the back, "Good to see you. son! Thanks for coming up and doing that for me" he said referring to the bags of clothes that Samuel handed his father. "I wish Lee and Jamie could have made it!"

"Me too father", Samuel said truthfully.

Samuel introduced Sebastian as a friend who had moved here from New York and not yet seen much of Montana, which was neither the truth nor a lie. Despite having moved here five years ago, Sebastian really hadn't seen much of Montana. The men shook hands and Mr Dutton made small talk enquiring about Sebastian's first impressions. "Go on, say hello to your brothers. I need to tell Bernard we have an additional guest; you know what he is like!" Mr Dutton told them before sending them off to where Jacob was working with the horse.

Samuel laughed. "Bernard, is father's cook, Sebastian, and probably the only man that dad is intimidated by." Samuel explained.

They walked to the enclosure to Jacob, who was climbing over the fence to greet them.

"Good Lord, he looks like a Greek god", whispered Sebastian.

Samuel laughed. With his shoulder long, dark blond hair, his sun tanned skin, his grey-blue eyes and broad youthful smile, his brother was extremely handsome; and he knew it.

They hugged, long and hard, Jacob actually lifting his little brother in the air.

"God it's good to see you. You really should come around more often! You don't live that far away." Jacob said. As he let go of his younger brother he looked at Sebastian, took his gloves off and the two men shook hands.

"Jacob, this is Sebastian!" Samuel said somewhat nervously. Jacob looked Sebastian straight in the eyes and nodded, giving Sebastian the impression that Jacob knew more than he let on.

"Where is Robert?" Samuel asked to deflect the tension.

"I'm here", said Robert, and he too gave his little brother a big hug and a squeeze that left him a little sore.

A few meters behind him stood Rip, nervous and awkward, not knowing where to look.

"You must be Rip!" said Samuel walking over to him. The boy made a small step backwards, so Samuel stopped in his tracks. Rip briefly looked up, then lowered his head back down again.

"He's a bit shy", Robert explained, and Rip hated him for it. Just then their father called them to come inside for lunch.

Lunch was a lively affair, they talked about everything and everyone. Rip was watching and listening. No one paid much attention to him which is how he liked it when the ants visited him. He couldn't eat much and asked Mr Dutton if he could leave the table and go outside. His uncle said no, but informed him that he was allowed to go upstairs into his bedroom. He told him that Samuel had brought him new clothes and that he had left them in his room. He wanted him to look through them, to see if they would fit. Rip pressed his lips together, he didn't like been giving things for no reason. He hated that feeling that he owed someone something that he couldn't repay.

Upstairs in his bedroom were several paper bags on his bed, all full off clothes. Jeans, Sweatshirts, shirts, T-Shirts, underwear, socks, pyjamas, a full wardrobe. A pair of boots, and a pair of wellingtons, even a pair of sneakers although he had no idea what he was supposed to do with them up here on the ranch.

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