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Taylor's parents and younger siblings arrived on Saturday morning, and so did Samuel and Sebastian. Having so much family around made Rip feel strangely anxious. He hated the idea of losing his cousin the next day. And seeing him with his parents and younger siblings caused him intense pain that he could not explain to himself.

His younger cousins kept teasing him for swimming in a long-sleeved t-shirt, and Taylor tried in vain to get them to leave them alone, so he could not even enjoy that, but managed to walk away fighting back tears.

He hid in one of the stables where Mr Dutton found him. "You want to go on a ride out with me, wanna go fishing?" he asked him.

The boy shook his head. "I can't spend Taylor's last day going fishing with you," he said defeated.

"Spending it in a horse box, being miserable is not much better, Rip", the old man said getting down to him.

"I am just taking a break from those pesky kids," he said. "Nicky was like that. Always annoying my friends. Always wanting to be part of everything. I sometimes was so mean to him, and I can't ever tell him how sorry I am..." he suddenly burst into tears.

Mr Dutton knelt down beside him and put his arms around him, pulling him close to comfort him. The boy tried to resist and push him away at first but the man held on tight and told him to stop, "don't fight it son, just let it go, I got you, you'll feel better once you had a good cry," he told him.

"Why did they have to go? Why did they leave me behind, Papa? I should be with them," he sobbed uncontrollably holding onto his uncle's shirt sleeves for dear life, as if there was a risk of him floating away and drowning in the river of his own tears if he'd ever let go.

Mr Dutton was right he did feel somewhat better or maybe just calmer having had what his uncle had called a "good" cry in his arms. It didn't take the sadness away however, but it did make it bearable and allowed him to get through the day and the day after that. 

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