Chapter 18

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Willow's POV

When I woke up I was alone. My phone was sitting on the night stand, I didn't reach for it. Instead I got up and went into the bathroom and took a long hot shower. I just stood under the spray and prayed that it would somehow wash away my pain.

I thought I had dealt with this. Wasn't that the point of getting so drunk the other night so that I could deal with all this shit and be able to move on and build a new life with Dom? What is he going to think? Will he think that I miss my old life? Because I don't! I miss my parents. I miss my son.

"I know you miss them sweetheart."

"HOLY SHIT!" I gasped in the shower inhaling some water and triggering a coughing fit.

"Are you okay?" I could hear the concern in Dom's voice through the mind link.

"Yeah, I just tried breathing underwater. I guess I'm still not a mermaid." The mind link certainly comes in handy for communicating while your body is busy hacking out one of your lungs. His laugh in the other room carried through the door and over the sound of the shower. "I love the sound of your laugh. It makes me happy."

"Is that so?" he says right behind me through the open shower door.

"FUCK! Why do you keep scaring me?" I gasp again putting a hand over my pounding heart.

He chuckles as he reaches over and smacking my ass. "Come on out, you look like a little pink prune." He pulled his head out before I could spray him. His laughter ringing in the bathroom as I turn off the water. I open the shower door I see him standing there holding a towel for me.

I grabbed the towel that was large enough to wrap around me twice and walked into the room. I looked out the window and noticed it was still early in the day. In fact based on the position of the sun it looked like no time had passed at all. I picked up my phone and ignored the notifications of multiple missed calls, voicemails, and text messages. All I wanted to see was the time, 9am. "Holy... I slept for an entire day?"

Dom chuckled "I figured your body and mind needed to rest. You have been through a lot over the last week."

I groaned "Did anyone say anything about what happened yesterday?"

"Not really. Ryder said to tell you there is no rush for the ceremony that we can do it whenever you're comfortable." He replied with a shrug of his shoulder as he sat next to me.

"That's not what I was referring to and you know it." I went to lean my head on his arm but he moved it so my head was against his chest and his arm was draped around my shoulders.

"I know. No one has said anything about the phone conversation you had. They figure you will talk about it when you're ready." he placed a kiss on my head before saying "Come on, let's get you dried off before you get a chill."

I smirk while saying "Are you looking for an excuse to rub all over my body before seeing me naked?"

We both start laughing before I stood up and started drying off. Every time he reached for me I would slap his hand away. "Nope, you can sit there and watch. Because if you 'Help' all that will happen is we will fall right into that bed and spend the rest of the day lost in orgasm land and I have things I need to do."

He groaned as he flung himself backwards onto to the bed in such a dramatic fashion I paused drying my legs to watch him. "What is more important that a grand tour of 'Orgasm Land'?" He emphasized the location with air quotes.

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