chapter 23

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Slamming the empty glass down, Nia wiped her lips and glared at Kate.

"I swear to God, I'm going to poison his tea on Monday. It's inevitable! He's had it coming for a while now. I mean, I actually thought he and I were getting along just fine, like boss and employee should. But then he suddenly reverts back to being the asshole that he is! What a fucker. And to think that this idiot called me pretty," she said sniffing. "He was probably mocking me now that I think of it. I can't believe I was beginning to like him!" She grimaced.

Kate rubbed her back solemnly. "Keep it going Mamacita. Pour out your soul before me."

Nia gave her a look and slapped her hand away from her.

"I just can't believe this! Just who the hell does he think he is? My boss?"

Kate stared. "He is literally your boss."

"I'm gonna stab him! I'm gonna wring his pretty neck! I'm gonna smack his sexy ass! I'm gonna shove my fingers into his ears!"

Kate sat silently laughing. When Nia had called her out of the blues claiming she was in a foul mood and needed cheering up immediately, she knew it was to rant. It was a Friday night, and they had agreed to meet at their rendezvous point. Dan's bar.

Dan was a friend of theirs. No he didn't own the bar, he just worked there as the bartender. He had been a course mate in college, but he had dropped out due to financial problems.

"Nia, baby, you haven't told me what happened."

"What happened?" Nia shrieked with wide agitated eyes. "I'll tell you what happened!"

Four hours earlier.

Friday's tended to be a little hectic for any business company. It was after all the end of the week, and most people were trying to complete their tasks. Nia was among those people in a hurry to do so. She didn't want to leave anything till Monday. There was nothing she hated more than leftover work. And she couldn't afford to leave anything, not when there were other things to be done. Grabbing the tablet she had, she knocked on the door before pushing it open.

Robert was standing by the window with his hands in his pockets. He was on a phone call and seemed to be in a heated conversation.

"If I don't get it by Monday, consider yourself out of a job. You just lost a potential investor!"

Nia stood still. On a normal day, once she saw that he was in a foul mood, she'd have snuck out of the office and returned when he was in a better state. But it was Friday, and she wanted to go home soon.

"Sir," she called once he had pocketed the phone.

Robert sent her a menacing look and she inhaled deeply. He sometimes blew hot and cold, she knew that. But it had been unbearable the past week.


"I've got the invitation card. If you could please sit down so I could show you the sample... "

"Of course," he murmured and sat down.

Nia walked around the desk to stand beside him. The company was celebrating it's 60th birthday. They had chosen diamond white and gold as the color scheme of the day.

She wordlessly handed the card to him and he turned it over. It was a white card with cursive gold lettering.

Robert read every single word on it making sure there was no error.

"It's nice," he murmured. "Send it out immediately. You still have the number of guests on the invitation list, don't you?"

"I do." They had spent hours compiling the names on the list.

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