chapter 40

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Beth watched the young lady run out of the office in tears. She was the second assistant Robert had fired in less than a week, the first had been another from the financial department, the poor lady couldn't handle his temper. At the rate which he was going, he wasn't going to have an assistant at all. He was so difficult to work with, no one was good enough for him.

Nia should never have left, she realized with a grimace. None of her colleagues knew it, but she was the one who had been standing between him and the rest of them. Now that she had been removed from the picture, he had access to deal with them as he saw fit, and he was dealing with them. He was literally breathing fire on them all, and any little mistake led to a sack letter.

She sighed. Poor Nia, no one appreciated her work till she left. She wondered how Nia had managed him so well when she was finding it so difficult to go one more day.

Roberts door opened and she tensed. Was he coming to scold her? It wouldn't be the first time he'd done it.

"Miss Cage," he said gruffly.

"Yes sir?"

"Where are those files I asked for?" He asked walking towards her.

"Still working on them sir."

"Bloody hell! I asked for them since Tuesday, it's Friday now."

"I'm sorry sir but its not easy doing two jobs at the same time," Beth said flatly.

"Do not give me that silly excuse. Nia would have finished this before I even had to ask," he muttered.

Beth raised a brow. She didn't think she was supposed to hear what he just said. He had been doing that a lot, comparing everyone to Nia. Apparently Nia's standards had been set so high and now every other person was finding it challenging to get there.

"Do you want me to call Miss Smith sir? I'm sure the promise of an increment in salary should lure her back."

Robert looked away. "It won't. She won't fall for that," he said softly.

Beth blinked, and blinked again. Was that him who just spoke? His voice actually had the ability to become that soft? She had no idea his voice could turn out to be anything but harsh. She squinted at him, he still wasn't looking at bar, just staring far off into space.

The boss and Nia.

Nia and the boss.

There was something going on between them, at least before Nia left, she knew that much. She'd caught them in compromising positions before. Though she had a feeling that if she voiced out her thoughts, she would lose her job before she could spell please.

"Perhaps if I called her and did the talking... " Beth began.

"You think I haven't tried calling her? She doesn't pick up my calls" He snapped. "I've gone to her place, she won't let me in," he finished in a low voice.

Beth stared at her computer, the situation had just become awkward. He had forgotten who he was talking with, it seemed.

"You have no idea how much I... " Robert ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Oh fuck it. Cancel any appointments I have for the rest of the day," he said and stomped into the elevator.

Beth hid a grin and picked up the files he wanted, she was done with them, she just wanted him to suffer a little bit so he could see reason and call back the assistant who made everyone's lives so much easier. She hadn't just made him suffer, no, she had gathered a little bit of information too; Robert was in love with Nia.


Dropping the thriller novel she'd been reading, Nia glanced at the ringing phone. She abruptly sat up when she saw the name.

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