Undefeated - [Platonic] Tommy (AU)🖤💜

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A/N: I recommend listening to "To Build A Home" for this one..Also, in this Dream has escaped prison.

Art Credits: chychy on twitter

[1559 Words]

(Narrator POV)

The wind was strong on top of the mountain causing Y/N's hair to fly behind her. The air was thin and cold and she could see her breath due to the high altitude. Figures stood in front of her looking at her frail body standing at the edge.

Dream stood with his sword gripped firmly in his fist, his mask cracked down the middle and a large chip gone from the corner exposing his eye. It was almost glowing in the moonlight. He wasn't moving, just staring at her.

Tommy was also there but was the opposite side of Dream. His body was shaking slightly and his eyes pleading for her to not move. Technoblade, Wilbur, and a few others were there too.

"Just give it to me. It can all be over then." Dream's  voices rang out. Y/N's gaze focused on him and she looked back at her hands. The leather cover of the book was sitting in her hands uncomfortably. She ran her fingers down the cracked spine of the book.

She had managed to get his book. The book that gave him the power to play god. The revive book. Now, on the top of a mountain, they were all trying to get her to give it to them.

"Don't give it to him Y/N. Please.." Tommy begged. He was being held back by Wilbur and she could see the slight gleam of tears in his eyes. She gave him a gentle smile and cast her eyes to the ground.

"All my life...when I lived in L'manberg, when I helped spy for Pogtopia, even in the end of it all, I would always do what someone else told me to do. I would think of my friends and choose to do what was best for them. But I never did what was good for me." She spoke suddenly.

Dream shifted his balance on his feet impatiently. He didn't know where she was going with this.

"I thought 'Well if I am helping them, then it is good for me.' but it wasn't always true." She said. She looked at Wilbur and spoke again.

"You're selfish. So unbelievably so. Every choice you have ever made was so you could ensure your endgame. You never cared who got hurt in the end." She said nodding with an angry smile.

"And you," she said, turning to Dream, "Don't get me started on you. From the beginning you were the villain in all of our lives. I tried for days to figure out what reasoning you had to do everything you did. You think you are a god but you are just a mortal that knows too much. And in the end you are just a power hungry, self centred, asshole." She yelled laughing.

"All of you. You are all terrible people. Yet you act as if you have a right to want more and be angry at those who hate you." She shook her head laughing, her eyes to the ground.

Her grip on the book tightened. "And still now I am doing things for the good of everyone. But finally, this is what I want. What I choose." She smiled. Dream was still frozen and staring at the book in her hands. He couldn't attack her in fear of her destroying the book.

She looked up and flung the book towards Dream. He caught it in his open hand and looked back at her face slightly confused. Tommy screamed out, his voice cracking.

"How could you?! Why are you helping him?!" Tommy screamed as Wilbur was now smiling and holding Tommy back as he struggled to move out of his brother's grasp.

She looked at him with a single tear running down her face. "Tommy. You are so strong. I know that they make you feel like you can't do great things but I know they are wrong. All you have to do is prove it to them. Prove to them that they are wrong about you." She smiled at him.

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