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"so let's discuss some rules," Vincenzo said

great rules

we are now all in Vincenzo's office after having dinner

"rule 1: we won't tolerate any disrespect and don't keep secrets from us and we won't ask you bot to swear because we all do but please keep it moderate
rule 2: you won't have a bedtime but I want you to be responsible and get enough sleep"

right well I am sorry but my fucking insomnia won't allow me to do so

"rule 3: you aren't allowed to go to the basement or third floor they are for business
rule 4: smoking and drugs are not allowed but you can drink in moderation if you are being responsible about it "

well that is good because I could never pass a week without having alcohol

"rule 5: Astraea you will wear appropriate clothes that I or your brother will approve of and all of you no boyfriend/girlfriend or sex, especially Astraea, your still my little and only baby girl
rule 6: you will be attending the same school as Valerio and I checked your grades they are impressive I expected you to keep them that way but the fights you get yourself into every week will have to stop "he finished

"for your information, I didn't agree to those run. But your father insisted" Helena commented, looking at us apologicaly

please someone tell me where the cameras are hiding—this is a prank right ? he isn't being serious

please tell me this is a joke

he does not expect me to follow these stupid rules

hell no

I put my emotionless face on and spoke in a cold tone "we will have to make a few changes "

he looked at me waiting for me to continue "respect is earned not demanded, you respect me I respect you, easy. And for me to not keep secrets from you I will have to trust you and I don't go around distributing my trust like candy to people I just met, for the swearing part it is fine"

they are saying we shouldn't keep secrets from them when they are doing the exact same, keeping secrets from us ...hypocrites

"rule 2 is fine and for rule 3 is acceptable we won't invade your privacy as long as you don't invade ours, rule 4 we are fine with it we don't do drugs we occasionally smoke but it is like once or twice a year and we always drink responsibly about. Rule 6, I don't start fights unless someone provokes me and if someone starts a fight with me I will finish it, deal? " I finished with my business voice

I expected Vincenzo and Antonio to be mad at me for changing their rules but when I looked in their eyes I saw pride "okay, what about rule 5 " sperm donor asked

"right about that, I will wear whatever the fuck I want you don't get a say in it, my fucking body my fucking choice, if some horny teenagers can't keep it in their pants that is not my problem. I can take care of myself if they made the mistake of approaching me. Now for the no sex that is fucking sexist I can see the hickeys on Romeo's neck from here and finally you will have to scratch that no boyfriend rule because I already have one "I replied

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND " they yelled

"break up with him"

"absolutely no "

"who the fuck is he"

"I will fucking kill him "

"hell no "

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