30| Italy

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It has been a couple of days since the big revelation was disclosed. Zeke and Lilo are feeling much better than they did when they first found out. They have also been spending more time with my dad. And since they seem to have been ready, we are flying to Italy today so they can meet the rest of the family.

Unfortunately, Ma, Pa, Alejandro and Mattias won't be able to join us since Alejandro had to lead his mafia, Mattias couldn't miss any more of his college classes and I am pretty sure that Ma and Pa didn't want to come so they can give us privacy during that family time—which is complete, utter bullshit since they are family to us.

We are now boarding my father's private jet heading to Italy.

I have only been to Italy once, and it was one of the most beautiful countries I have ever visited.

Italy is a lovely country with a rich history, architecture, and romance. You can discover an interesting sculpture, museum, or gallery almost anywhere. Around every bend, a new story unfolds, and you may witness a variety of breathtaking settings. The streets are a shambles in every sense, from traffic to masses of people attempting to go from one place to another. They are, however, inundated with charming, helpful people who are always willing to lend a hand or offer advice. Although the people are courteous, they appear to be always in a rush, and many do not feel the need to apologize to everyone they accidentally bump into while walking down the street.

The jet was huge and luxurious. I decided to take a seat beside Ezekiel since I only got to talk to Elias, and I need to check up on Zeke

"So how see you doing, with all of this?" I said gesturing to nothing in particular with my fingers

"Want me to be honest" he muttered seriously

"No, I want you to lie" I sarcastic replied earning a low chuckle from him

"I am surprisingly fine. At first, I had a hard time digesting the news but now I am happy that I had some sort of indirect connection to my biological father" he confessed genuinely earning a hum from me, we spent the rest of the flight talking until I unintentionally fell asleep on his shoulder.

I felt someone lightly shaking me "Wake up, Bambina," Said the person who I suppose was shaking me. From the strong and heavy Italian accent, I immediately knew it was my father.

I got up yawning and rubbing my eyes, I then gradually opened them trying to slowly adjust to the lighting.

"We arrived in Italy. Let's go" My father said again but when I didn't move he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me up.

My sleeping state was no absolutely none existent as I yelled at him "Put me down! Dad"

And of course, he didn't put me down until we reached the car where he mentally placed me on the black, leather seats.

"Finally" Atlas sighed rolling his eyes when he saw me in the car

We made our way to our family home in Italy. Apparently this house—more like a mansion—belonged to my grandparents and when the family wanted to reunite they usually stayed all together at the family home.

After an approximate twenty minutes drive, we finally reached the alleged family home. And holy shit—it was the most magnificent and luxurious house I have ever seen in my seventeen—almost eighteen years of living.

Set on a ridge overlooking the beautiful mountains—you will truly love this unique home. A blend of Italian and French architecture gives the house a perfect feel for a relaxing getaway or any vacation.

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