Chapter 3

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Greg walked out of his house and locked the door. 

"Hey Connor!" Greg said to Connor, who was waiting beside the house.

"Hello Greg. Are we going to wait for Amaya?" Connor asked. 

Greg nodded and the duo started walking towards Amaya's house.

"So, how's it going with Amaya? Are you going to tell her or what?" Connor blushed slightly and playfully shoved Greg.

"Stop it man... I have to think about it," Connor said, scratching the back of his neck. 

"How much longer, Connor? Are you waiting for her to make the first move?" Greg said, smirking. 

Connor was about to protest, but they reached Amaya's house at that point and Amaya walked out of her house. 

"Hey guys! What's up?" She asked cheerfully. 

Greg opened his mouth to say something when Connor elbowed him in the ribs. 

"Nothing Amaya, we were just talking about what happened last night." As soon as Connor said that, Greg and Amaya's expressions changed. 

"Um, Connor, I feel that what we did was not exactly the best thing to do," Amaya said, nervousness apparent in her voice. "I feel a little conflicted about it. Like, in a way, it was the right thing to do, but it wasn't the only way to stop Romeo from doing bad stuff."Amaya continued. 

"Yeah Connor, what if something bad happened to Romeo?" Greg spoke up.
Connor sighed.

"See guys, we've been fighting with the villains for so many years. It's gonna be almost a decade now. The villains have had enough time to learn from their mistakes and change into better people. They are always using their abilities in the wrong way, and they are not stopping no matter what we do. Their persistence leaves us heroes with no other choice." Connor said with determination.

"So stopping them once and for all is the best way. For us, them, and the city." Amaya finished.
Greg reluctantly agreed. 

As the three friends reached their high school, and prepared to go to their respective classes. Greg looked up from the ground. 

"So what now Connor? What do we do now?" he questioned. 

"One villain down, six to go. That includes Luna Girl, Motsuki, Night Ninja, Rip, Howler and Kevin." Amaya said, and looked at Connor. 

Connor took a deep breath.

"Tonight we are taking down Luna Girl and Motsuki. For good."

The three friends nodded and shared a knowing look.

"PJ Masks, we're on our way. Into the night to save the day!"


Luna Girl and Motsuki were in the Lunar Fortress, fighting. 

"It's all your fault, sister!" Motsuki screamed. 

"Ugh, you are such a baby. Can you behave like a 10-year-old for once?" Luna Girl snapped.

Angrily, Motsuki began to zap the paintings of Luna Girl that were etched in the wall of the Fortress, and they crumbled to pieces. 

"Hey! Stop that!" Luna Girl huffed angrily. "Fine. I will try to get the Moon Gem for you tomorrow," she grumbled.

Motsuki stopped her zapping and smiled to herself smugly. Her tantrums always worked. The Moon Gem was a new crystal that Luna Girl and Motsuki had found in the depths of the moon a while ago. The Moon Gem had the ability to make Luna Girl's Luna Magnet turn into the Luna Scepter. However, it would only activate when the Luna Crystal was in the Magnet. The Luna Scepter was way more powerful and dangerous than the Luna Wand. Unfortunately, the PJ Masks had taken the Moon Gem away from Luna Girl, just like they did with the Luna Crystal. Luna Girl just couldn't understand why the PJ Masks were so bothered by what the villains were doing. They always had to interfere with them and stick their noses into their businesses. Also, lately they were behaving a little more... rough. They were harsher with their behaviour towards the villains and the way they interacted with them was not good either. As these thoughts ran through Luna Girl's mind, she heard a loud whirring sound. She turned to Motsuki, and it seemed like Motsuki too had heard the sound. 

"What's that?" Motsuki asked. 

She flew towards the door of the Fortress and heaved it open. Motsuki looked outside and
started to jump up and down excitedly. 

"Sister, the PJ Masks are here. And so is their HQ! Now's our chance to get the Moon Gem."
Motsuki said delightedly. 

With a quizzical look on her face, Luna Girl walked towards the door and peeked out. 

"Yeah, but why are they here? It's not like we're doing any villain stuff. They have absolutely no reason to come up to the Moon for nothing," Luna mused.

Her question was answered in a few minutes. The PJ Masks emerged from the rocket in their rovers and circled the Luna Fortress in a very suspicious manner. Luna ushered Motsuki inside and closed the gigantic door. Putting her index finger to her lips, she walked towards the window in the Fortress and closely monitored the PJs. They were saying something but she could not quite make out what they were saying. Suddenly, Gekko began to shout angrily. 

"I do not want to do this! Are you sure Luna isn't inside?" Gekko shouted. 

Luna Girl's eyes widened. What were they planning to do that made Lizard Legs so angry? As her suspicion aroused, she gripped Motsuki's hand and walked towards the door. 

"What's going on, Luna?" Motsuki asked. 

Luna Girl did not reply and continued to walk toward the door. She used her Luna Magnet to open the door and emerged from the Fortress. The sisters walked behind the Fortress and found the HQ Rocket positioned right behind it. The PJ Masks were seated on their rovers beside HQ. Upon seeing Luna Girl and Motsuki, Gekko jumped up from his rover and started shouting and gesticulating madly. He was moving his hands towards the side. Luna Girl squinted to see what he was trying to say. He was asking them to... move away from the Fortress? Her eyes widened once more as she realised what was going to happen. Luna Girl started to run away from the Fortress, still holding Motsuki's hand. Just then, a blinding laser beam was fired at the top of the Fortress. However, she was too late. The impact of the hit caused a bright pink light that blinded the both of them, and they went flying several feet away from the Fortress.
"Oof!" Luna Girl exclaimed as she landed with a thump.
Motsuki landed several feet farther, but did not rise. Luna stood up and looked at the Fortress. The Fortress was not entirely destroyed. Only a small part of the top section was missing. Though it did not affect the Fortress greatly, it affected Motsuki. Rushing over to Motsuki, Luna Girl held Motsuki up in her hands. Motsuki's eyes fluttered open as she coughed slightly.

"Bring me... to the... *cough-cough*, F-Fortress..." Motsuki said with great effort.

Luna Girl's brows furrowed with concern and she quickly went inside the Fortress. The crystal etched in Motsuki's chest had dimmed after the destruction but now it seemed to glow slightly more. Apparently, the top of the Fortress gave Motsuki energy and without it, Motsuki was powerless. And the PJ Masks had done a great job destroying the top. Using the power left in her Magnet, Luna Girl created a bed that was directly connected with the Fortress. She gently placed Motsuki on it and Motsuki's crystal glowed even stronger. Motsuki was regaining her energy, and that was a good sign. However, she could not teleport herself and Luna Girl back to Earth. When Motsuki informed her sister about this, Luna's eyes narrowed into slits with anger. 

"It's ok Luna. Leave me here. I will be fine. Come back with the Gem. It's the only thing that can give me back my power completely." Motsuki rasped

"But how do I go back?" Luna asked. 

"The HQ Rocket".

Luna Girl nodded and hugged Motsuki. She stormed towards the door and violently opened the door. The PJ Masks saw the fury in Luna's eyes when she barged out.

"Curse you PJ Pests!" She screamed hysterically.

The PJ Masks looked at each other. Gekko had an equally angry expression on his face as he glared at his teammates. The three of them looked back at Luna Girl with regret apparent in their eyes.

What have they done?

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