Chapter 8

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a/n: this is a rather short and lame chapter. i apologise if the quality is worse than the previous chapters. 


Romeo's balled fist slammed the table that the villains were crowded around. They could not delay it any longer. They had to take action. The villains all looked up at him with serious expressions on their faces.

"We're not letting them push us around any longer. We have to defeat them, once and for all." He said bitterly.

Once Kevin had returned from the PJ Masks, he had told them what happened, and they all sort of understood what the PJ Masks were trying to do. Sort of. The PJ Masks were trying to make the villains stop being villains. A very futile and pathetic attempt if you ask Luna Girl.

"If they think they can stop us from doing bad stuff, they've got it all wrong." Luna Girl snarled.

Romeo took out his iPad and laid it on the tabletop. After pressing a few buttons, a 3D hologram of the city popped up from the screen.

"What's that?" Howler asked.

"This is a hologram of the city, and I will be using this to explain to you all what will exactly happen on the 31st of August." Romeo answered.

"Is the day we are going to defeat them?" Luna Girl questioned.

Romeo nodded. He took a deep breath and began to explain the sequence of his plan. He went on about all the details and all the important things they had to take note of on that day. When he finished explaining his great, undefeatable plan, Night Ninja asked the most obvious thing that he had missed out.

"What about the other do-gooders?"

Romeo chuckled nervously. He felt silly that he forgot about them.

"An Yu and Armadylan, right? About that, I still haven't thought about them. Any ideas?"

The villains tried to think of other ways. Romeo had thought of something and was about to say something when Night Ninja spoke up.

"How about the Vacuum of Doom? You can use it on Armadylan and make him forget all of his memories of being a hero."

"I can trap him. That is, once I get my hands on the Moon Gem and Luna Crystal, like we planned." Luna Girl suggested.

Romeo nodded thoughtfully. He would just have to rebuild the Vacuum of Doom and tweak it a little so that it will make Armadylan lose his memory of him ever being a hero. Then he could use the ball cages to trap him. He said that thought out loud, and the villains nodded.

"What about An Yu?" Rip asked.

As they all pondered on ways to trap An Yu, Night Ninja spoke up.

"Her powers don't work in the city. Once Romeo hacks the system of the HQ like we talked about, he can send a signal to her from HQ that the PJ Masks are in trouble. When she comes out of Mystery Mountain, I can get my Ninjalinos to capture her."

"Yeah, that might work." Kevin agreed.

"Well, it's settled then. We have about two weeks to go. We'll meet and discuss again on a later date." Romeo finished.

Luna Girl tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"But why 31st? Isn't that your birthday?" She asked.

Romeo flushed. He thought no one knew.

"Ah, well, it turned out to be a coincidence didn't it?" He brushed Luna Girl's question off.

He did not want anyone to know that he was planning to celebrate his birthday in victory of the PJ Masks' defeat. He quickly diverted the conversation.

"So as a final reminder, let me tell you all what to do once more: The hologram of me is going to be in the school, Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos are in charge of the Library and the Wolfies−"

"− we thrash up the Museum!" Howler exclaimed cheerfully.

Romeo nodded.

"And as for Minibot, or PeeWee Robot as he likes to be called, we drain his battery," Romeo said, rolling his eyes. "I will need his CPU though. It's the only replacement for Robot's damaged CPU."

As the meeting ended with Romeo saying that, a familiar rumble was heard. The villains had begun to disperse when the ground shook. They all fell to the ground. Night Ninja face palmed.

"Don't tell me it's−"

Before he could finish his sentence, the door burst open.

"Aaaaaaarmadylan Style!" came the familiar voice.

"Not the ArmaDoofus," Romeo sighed.

"Well, we better get going." Luna Girl said.

They did not need to be told. Romeo grabbed his iPad and rushed over to his Lab. He strapped in and drove off into the city using the back exit of the museum. As he sped away in his Lab, Luna Girl hopped onto her Luna Board, zoomed towards the opening in the ceiling and left the museum. Night Ninja and the Wolfies ran out of the Museum using the back exit as well. Armadylan stepped inside to look at what they were doing before he came inside. There was nothing left behind by them and everything seemed to be in place. Well, at least he had done something to stop them from doing... whatever they were doing. Shrugging, he rolled into a ball and sped away into the city.


Romeo hopped onto his bed. He had finalised his plan with the other villains and wondered what he was going to do till the 31st. He had to rebuild the Vacuum of Doom and the Ball Cages. And he had to come up with a program to hack into HQ. He also had to drain the power from the PJ Crystal and... The list went on and on. He cleared his mind of those thoughts and closed his eyes. Each day he would be getting closer and closer to defeating the PJ Masks. And once he defeats them...
He cackled evilly.

He was going to take over the world, all right. He was going to take over the world.

And no one would stop him.


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