Chapter 7

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Romeo paced around the museum. Luna Girl was hovering on her Luna Board, a worried look on her face. Night Ninja stared into his phone anxiously. What was taking them so long?

"Should I text her?" Night Ninja asked.

Rip had said that she would come to the museum an hour ago. They were all supposed to meet at 12.a.m and it was already 1.a.m.

Romeo nodded. Night Ninja typed furiously into his phone. Almost immediately, a 'ding' emitted from his phone. They all huddled around his phone. It was Rip.

"we widll be late. dont wait or loosk for us," the message with typos read.

"Just as I feared. It has to be the PJ Masks again." Luna Girl muttered angrily.

Romeo clasped his hands behind his back, deep in thought. They did not know where the Wolfies were and searching throughout the city would be a waste of time. Besides, the PJs may harm them instead. Then their plan to defeat them would be put to a later date. They could not postpone this meeting, Romeo thought. It was best if they waited. After half an hour of worrying and pacing around the museum anxiously, the large door creaked open. Rip and Howler came inside. There were several scratches on their faces and leaves and twigs were stuck to their hair.

"Where's Kevin?" Luna Girl asked. "And why are both of you... such a mess?"

Brushing off the leaves and sweat on her face, Rip heaved angrily.

"Kevin's gone!"



Rip stared at Romeo's message. Then she slowly started to chuckle, and finally collapsed into a fit of giggles. Why would she and her brothers have to look out for the PJ Masks? It's not like they were going to do any bad stuff. They would never bother the PJ Masks no matter what. All they wanted to do was to stir up trouble in the city, but they were certainly not in the mood for that at that time. She checked the time he sent it. It was sent at 5.a.m. that morning. It was 8.p.m now. Maybe Romeo had gotten into trouble with the PJ Masks.

The moon had risen. It was time for her to change. Rip looked out at the moon and let the moonlight fall on her face. Almost immediately, her nose grew bigger and claws sprouted from her fingers and patches of fur covered her feet. Deep from her stomach, a high-pitched howl escaped her. Leaping out of the window, she howled louder, and her brothers, Howler and Kevin, leapt beside her. The pack ran off into the city.


Back in HQ, Catboy was checking the PJ Picture Player. It showed the Wolfies headed for the museum.

"Better stop them from thrashing up the museum." Owlette said and pressed the Owl Glider's icon.

The trio flew out of the HQ upon buckling their seat belts. The Owl Glider left HQ and soared high in the sky. It soon reached the museum and Owlette landed the Owl Glider right in front of the trio, almost knocking Kevin over in the process. Howler growled. What did they want?

"No way are we letting you three go inside the museum." Gekko said firmly.

"Oh yeah? Who are you to tell me what to do Lizard Legs?" challenged Howler.

However, they completely ignored Rip and Howler and surrounded Kevin instead, blocking the Wolfies' view of Kevin. Owlette asked Kevin whether he wanted to give up being a Wolfy and become a hero instead. Gekko told him that they could be best buddies, doing hero work together.

"Rip and Howler are not treating you properly. You must join us. It's for the best." Catboy said, shooting an accusing look at Rip and Howler.

'What the−, what are the PJ Pinheads thinking?' Rip thought to herself.

They were literally back talking about her when she was right in front of them. Did they really think Kevin would give up his own brother and sister for a bunch of do-gooders?

"Oh shut up, please. Kevin stop listening and get back here. We have things to do."

Just then, the PJ Masks started to run away from the Wolfies. Surprisingly, Kevin followed them on all fours like a dog.

"Kevin I said get back here!" Rip hollered once more, a little more forcefully.

To their shock, there was Catboy's Cat Stripe tied onto Kevin's neck, forcing Kevin to follow them.

"Guys! A little help please!" Kevin shouted.

The PJ Masks were definitely out of their minds. Howler's eyes widened. Nobody treated his brother like that. He howled ferociously and ran after Kevin. The 'leash' was in Owlette's hands, and she was up in the air. He leapt up like a wolf and sunk his wolf teeth into her leg. Owlette screamed and let go of the leash. Owlette flew up higher towards the sky as she checked her leg for teeth marks.

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