Toaster is a witch, a BAD witch

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          All my humor is based upon Destruction and despair.


Rhythm's POV :

"Aah" I screamed as I heard the sound 

"In BTS, RM is the god of destruction, In our house Rhythm is our god of destruction" Siasha said and I scowled.

"I didn't do anything , I think this toaster was on a bad condition ,I told that time itself don't buy this toaster as that shopkeeper looked creepy, Who will listen me in this house nalathuku kalam illa ( There is no time for well-being ) I said making it more dramatically 

" Toaster was all good but some people here are abnormal " she said and I scoffed

" You know, it was my mistake to allowed you inside the kitchen , I should have banned you " Sid said 

' Calm down rithu they are just jealous of you, what if you win the best chef award '

' No they are scared of you, what if you burn the house'

" Guys stop it, let me sleep " Varun said, I pity him he had a night shift and worked his ass off also I heard that his senior is robot who keeps on working and giving their interns tons and tons of work and assignments ' struggles of being a doctor' but being lazy he just came from the hospital threw the bag and slept on the couch

" I should have not let you in as I known that you don't know even how to boil water "

" But I can make one thing " I said and they raised their eyebrows in an questioning manner .

" Cereals " I said and showed them the box more like pushing it on their face, they just shook their head and talking about which metal asylum will be the best to admit me.


I slowly started to fill the glass with the water and moved towards the couch

" I am sorry Varun but I am not sorry " saying this I poured the glass of water on his face 

"This what happens when you steal my chocolates" I said and ran away , What do you expect from me, to go and fight with him nah...

'what if he die because of my punches'

'No he won't because you won't be there to punch him sweetie, before you punch him he will knock you out and throw you in coffin and bury you alive'

'No, He won't do that he is my sweet friend, he won't do that right?'




' Rithu you can do it ' I was trying to calm down myself while others looking at me weirdly 

' Who won't when you are busing talking to yourself in front of the company like a mental '

' No I am not , I just giving pep talk to myself ' yes I am standing in front of Malhotra Software deciding whether to go or not , Should I run  from here.... 'no Rithu you are a strong girl just act like nothing happened and don't ever go in front of that Punk ' so I unwillingly moved towards the company .


" Hey Rhythm What are you doing here ? " ask Rahul 

" Can't you see I am sleeping " I said 

" Comedyy.."

" No it's called sarcasm" I said he rolled his eyes

" I mean What are you doing in this floor ?"

" what are- I was about to ask him what hell he was talking about.

" Miss Rhythm " someone called me I turn to see who is it and It was That's Punk's PA 

' What he is doing here? '

I tried to clear the panic in my mind and cleared my throat and gave my best sweet fake smile and asked 

" Yes Sir, How can I help you ? "

" You have been called to CEO's office. Come and follow me.

Oh, coconuts !


 Hey guys, I have some thing to tell you, that I am not satisfied with this book . So Please tell me opinion , So that I can continue this book or I will discontinue this book from on . PLEASE do tell me your opinion and if you like this book do tell me I will continue this book , THANK YOU for Reading this book. 

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