Accused of Murder

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Lottie shrieked with rage and launched at the intruder, clawing at his face and hands.

Edmund barked in surprise and raised his arm to block her attack.

"You!" Lottie screamed and threw his arm aside so she could slash at his face again. "I'll kill you myself, you coward!"

Edmund pushed her back and Lottie stumbled, tripping on her dress. The stone floor dug into her hip, but she didn't feel it. Red clouded her vision and she reached into her pocket, drawing Charles's small knife from its sheath.

"Lottie, wait!" Thomas shouted, but Lottie ignored him. She lurched to her feet, swinging the blade wildly at Edmund's chest.

He dodged her easily, an amused smile on his lips. His blue eyes, those eyes that had haunted her dreams for a year, glowered down at her. He snatched her wrist, twisting it slightly.

Lottie hissed in pain, dropping the knife and catching it with her other hand. She slashed at him again, the blade slicing through the edge of his cloak as he threw himself back.

Thomas grabbed her around the waist, lifting her into the air. "Stop!" he ordered, catching her arm when she swung blindly again. "Lottie, stop it! It's not Edmund!"

"Let go! I won't let him hurt us again!" Lottie writhed and tried the wrench her wrist free of his strong grip.

"Edmund?" the intruder asked, pushing away from the wall that Lottie had backed him into. He straightened his coat and smoothed his blond hair slowly. "Interesting..."

Lottie's struggles died and she sagged against Thomas, panting with spent rage. "You should have stayed dead," she seethed, glaring at the man.

The intruder smirked and stalked closer until he glowered over her. "My brother is dead, Miss Lottie. I have Lord and Lady Greyville to thank for that."

Lottie froze. "Your... brother." Slowly, the ringing in her ears faded and she realized that William was calling frantically for the footmen and the physician. "Fidelia," she breathed, pushing away from Thomas. Her knife clattered to the floor.

Fidelia lay on her side on the red rug, curled into a ball against a pain in her stomach. William smoothed her hair with shaking hands. "Fidelia? Oh, my darling," he whispered, moisture flashing in his eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" Lottie asked.

William shook his head, his eyes wide. The footman ran into the room carrying candles to light the way for the physician, who William had asked to stay for the next several days.

The physician knelt beside Fidelia and checked her pulse. He frowned. "Carry her to the family's sitting room," he ordered the footmen. "Quickly."

Fidelia's hand slipped from William's as the footmen lifted her and carried her away. He sat for a moment, staring after them in stunned silence. Then his face darkened. 

Lottie sat back, her heart pounding. She had never seen him look so ferocious.

He launched to his feet and grabbed Edmund's brother by the lapels, pulling him off balance. "If anything happens to my wife or child," William hissed, pushing the man up against the wall, "I will tear you limb from limb, no matter whose brother you are."

Mr. de Lacy chuckled, his face entirely calm and so smug Lottie wanted to slap it. "That's no way to speak to the magistrate, now is it, M'lord?"

William snarled, but he seemed to recall who he was, and his position, and he slowly unfurled his fists. "I'm not finished with you," he said quietly. He turned and gestured to Thomas. "Mr. Hawthorne, please take our... guest to the library. I will see him when I ensure Fidelia is alright."

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