Disguised As A Man

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Thomas paused to wipe his brow as he bent over the anvil. Since Fidelia was feeling better that day, William had given Thomas the time off to work on reshaping the breastplate from the suit of armor for Lottie.

The door to the smithy creaked and he tightened his grip on the hammer. The blackmailer. Slowly, he placed the breastplate down and crept closer to the entrance.

He shoved the door open with his shoulder, raising the hammer to strike.

Two high-pitched squeals stopped him just in time as Lottie and Octavia fell to the ground, covering their heads.

"Wee lassie," he huffed and his shoulders sagged. "Have ye no sense of self-preservation? Sneaking up on someone working in the forge," he muttered and pulled them to their feet. "Going to get yerselves killed."

"We looked everywhere for you," Lottie explained as she ushered them inside the small smithy. It was designed for smaller projects, such as sharpening swords or shoeing the horses, and the tools worked well enough for reshaping the piece of armor. "We weren't sure if it would really be you in here, so we hesitated..."

"What's the matter?" Thomas asked as he put away his tools. "Ye lassies look like wee ghosts in the night."

"The blackmailer sent another note," Octavia said quietly. "I'll be the next to die if he doesn't get what he wants."

Thomas drew a deep breath. "Nae on my watch."

"I knew you'd help us," Lottie cried in relief, throwing her hands around his neck.

He lost all power over words, surprised at her sudden affection. Ears burning pleasantly, he grinned. "Come now, lassie. T'is nae the time. What be yer bold plan?"

Awkwardly, Lottie released him and glanced back at Octavia, who stood with her arms around herself, pale and stunned.

"I... don't have a plan. I just know we need to get her out of here before she ends up like Mr. Farraday or Mrs. Ashdown," Lottie said taking Octavia's hand.

"I cannot leave," Octavia whispered, shaking her head. "What about my father? The blackmailer will just go after my parents if I disappear."

Lottie chewed her thumbnail and paced. "The blackmailer is getting desperate. His murder of Mrs. Ashdown proves that. With the magistrate here investigating, he must feel as if he is becoming cornered. I am certain that I can expose him before the end of this house party... assuming no one else dies."

Thomas watched her, his heart sinking. She truly wasn't giving up on her fool-hearty search.

"He won't have a chance to go after your parents, I promise," Lottie said, pulling her shoulders back as if to prove her confidence.

Octavia sighed and sat on the only chair. "Even if the blackmailer is caught, my father still owes a substantial debt to his investors. I have been paying them out of my dowery, but I only have... nine months' worth. Perhaps ten if I can move my parents to a smaller cottage. Once the money runs out they will discover the truth about their investments and my father will be thrown into debtor's prison."

Thomas rubbed the stubble on his chin. "Have ye no other means of obtaining any money?"

She laughed sardonically and leaned back in the chair. "That trade agreement would be worth a pretty penny, but it was left behind on my father's ship when we were forced to abandon it in Baltimore."

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